fox tail & ears

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fox tail & ears
Post # 1
im curious if someone can make an actual working spell that gives you fox ears and tail... sure that might be impossible but perhaps you could combine the knowlage of science and magic to make it happen because sometimes if something dose not work its better to combine current complex info with other complex info... anyways its ok if theres no such spell of that actully works... anyhow have a nice day

Re: fox tail & ears
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Magick cannot break natural laws. We, as humans, don't have fox ears and tails and so, magick cannot give that too us. If it could, I am sure we would be seeing lots more people walking around with tails and ears.

Physical transformations in this way isn't something magick can achieve. It can assist us with life, improve our chances of achieving our goals, but it cannot give us things we would not be able to achieve without it.

Re: fox tail & ears
Post # 3
heres the odd part... why does this site say that all spells are real when some of them clearly arnt?

Re: fox tail & ears
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

The Site does not say all spells are says everything on here is for entertainment only. Spells of Magic makes no claim that all of the spells on here are real.

There are some people on this site who will claim that all magic is real. While that would be fun, the truth is that they are mistaken. There are many things which magic is not able to do and changing your human DNA to permit you to grow fox ears and a tail is one of them.

Re: fox tail & ears
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

Essentially anyone on the site can post a spell, regardless of how much knowledge they have on magickal practice. Because of this, some spells aren't real, particularly those found within the "Fantasy" and "Trick" spell sections.

An easy test to see whether a spell is fake:
- If it seems to good to be true.
- If it claims to change your physical form, genetics or species.
- If it offers supernatural abilities/powers
- If it gives something for nothing (e.g. materializing something out of thin air).

Re: fox tail & ears
Post # 6
oh... tbh the only thing ive wanted to do was magic because im more of a magic person then science

Re: fox tail & ears
Post # 7
so i guess the only choice now is that very soon... im gona try DNA modifacation with science

Re: fox tail & ears
Post # 8

Splicing human genes with animal genes in the way you're imagining is still just science fiction, and will likely always be. A fox's ears won't work on a human skull, or if they did they wouldn't sit on top of the head like they do on a fax, they'd jut out at either side like a human's ears already do. Even if it ever became possible, and some crazy scientist was willing to do so, it would have to begin at an embryonic stage of life.
While CRISPR makes altering genes possible, it cannot add a gene that didn't already exist. At best it could give your a different eye colour, or give you a beard, or even whatever sort of tail humans had in the past as a prior species. The genes have to already exist in the body. That being said, CRISPR is illegal to use on humans for ethical reasons, and even if that ever changes, it would be used to grant immunities and make life healthier, not modify appearances.

In short, you'll never have animal parts on you from either magic or science.

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