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Post # 1
Iks there anyone that can possibly mentor me with magick?
I am a starter in magick and would love to have someone to speak with about it and help me
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Re: Mentor
Post # 2
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Re: Mentor
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

There are lots of members who I would be sure will be happy to help guide you on your path, however finding a one to one mentor will likely be difficult. Many people do not teach or mentor online, and many others simply don't feel they are in a position to teach someone else.

Personally, I would always suggest talking to others as a guide, but mainly undertaking your own personal study, learning from lots of different books and resources allows you to develop your own path, your own beliefs, and practice. When following a mentor, you will likely end up following their personal path and possibly, even learning their mistakes and negative practices. By learning yourself you get to find your own path and avoid making the same mistakes as a mentor.

If you're interested in reading some starter information, the pinned posts in the general forum are wonderful and there are some fantastic books available for beginners.

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Re: Mentor
Post # 4
Hello, I'd love to mentor you! I have a small class you can join which has a google classroom and a discord server for chat. Though I'd suggest joining that because I offer private sessions but I can give you some private sessions even if you don't join. It's an intro class, and right now is a very busy week with Ostara and a full moon so we are learning a lot right now, but for the most part, it's one assignment a week usually with an optional text. I post pdfs, websites, and slide shows. Private lessons are an option for further education. We'll be covering a lot including but not limited to, Wiccan Tradition, Wiccan Holidays, Intro To Crystals, Intro To Sigils, Intro To Runes, Intro to Tarot, Intro To Pendulums, Meditation, Astral Projection, Lucid dreaming, Intro To Herbal Magick, Intro To Blood Magick, Intro To Curses, Binding, Wards, Energy manipulation, and more.
My offer always stands to join just go to google classroom and enter the code oep1ass.
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