any good spells

CovenSpell Casters ► any good spells

Re: any good spells
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I don't know what you're talking about, what is an 'intermediate spell caster'?

If you have practiced the basics of magick [energy work, visualization, meditation] you can try a simple candle spell. Pick a candle of a corresponding colour [or just white] charge with energy, light candle and visualize your desired outcome.
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Re: any good spells
Post # 3
i mean ive been practicing magic for awhile
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Re: any good spells
By: / Novice
Post # 4
If you say so then I don't see why you need others to provide spells, especially when you could dig through the spell section on the site and find spells yourself [and if you know what spells can and can't do you should be able to find working spells and not waste your time in the fantasy section or whatever digging through nonsense] you should also know spells shouldn't be cast 'just because' you might want to practice energy work, not spell casting, or pick one spell a month that corresponds with the energy of the moon or what you need to attract/repel from your life.
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Re: any good spells
Post # 5
I find a lot of people are close minded, even those who practice magic. They will patronize you and try to educate you about Wicca, the religion. Spellcasting is all about trusting your own instincts and creating your own way of doing things.

I like to use rhyme to focus my energy on a specific task, I always have so that's how I do it. I often perform spells under certain moon phases, using poppets, specific candle colours, I'll write the spell and burn it, play music. Its all very personal to the spell caster.

Here is a spell I use to change someone's mind:

Spirits (or whoever i.e demons, angels, ghosts, yourself, god, gods,) listen, let the veil be broken
Hear these words as they are spoken
Go to ( ) , change his/her mind
Keep it open, unconfined.
Control their feelings, bend their will
May they think it’s their decision, still
Let our souls now be connected
so my mistake can be corrected
Our paths now are intersected,
In their head, my thoughts reflected.
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Re: any good spells
Post # 6
Hi this is the only coven I found open so let’s get this over with. I’m a beginner at white magic and I’ve been looking for someone to teach me how to do spells (preferably wishing spells) and authentic ones too because with the hundreds of wishing spells in the “luck spells” catagorey it’s easy to get confused and there is another problem I can only do spells that don’t include any items besides belief and/or pen and paper so if anyone who is a an expert spell caster at white magic sees this please email me at my gmail account and say that you can help me

Thank you
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Re: any good spells
By: / Novice
Post # 7

I'm gonna have to agree with Neko on this one. And Looney, no one is patronizing him. If he is as he says an 'intermediate spell caster'' then he/she should absolutely already know about spellcasting and how it works and its functionality. Claiming to be something you're not and someone else calling you out on it is not patronizing.

Spencer, I wish you the best of luck on this journey of yours, and wish that you learn to discover more about yourself and your intentions.

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Re: any good spells
Post # 8
Thank you
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Re: any good spells
By: / Novice
Post # 9
@ dergondee just a heads up don't post email addresses it's against the rules.

@ LooneyTunes if I came off demeaning sorry, I spend a lot of time on this site pointing out fact from fiction and I replied to this right before logging off so my patience was probably low. Let me explain a bit nicer:

Magick has no colour, only intent. While you may consider yourself a "black" or "white" witch, the nature of magick is not black and white [this is why many will identify as a grey witch since magick is more of a grey, not 100% good or bad. And as a side note, I would consider myself a grey witch, not a Wiccan, I haven't identified as Wiccan in 10 years, I identify as Pagan or Witch. I do not follow the Rede or Threefold Law]

As for a class scale [beginner spellcaster, intermediate, advanced] unless you are in a religion with these classifications [British Traditional Wicca for example has a degree system you move up in depending on your education] these classes don't exist in magick/spell casting which leads me to the conclusion you don't actually know about real magick and instead are a fantasy fan who just discovered people in reality call themselves witches and cast spells and thought you could too. [not to sound mean] if you are interested in magick you need to understand that movies and reality are very different. Real witches don't fly, transform, turn people into toads, or do anything remotely cool. Even casting spells is pretty boring to watch [its like ritualized prayer, hold candle and sit quietly while charging it with invisible energy, light candle, say chant, charge with energy, sit quietly while visualizing your intention]

What real magick can do: love, luck, protection, cleansing, banishing, healing [basically if you can do it naturally like applying for a job, the spell can help your chances]

What magick cannot do: fly, transform, teleport, manipulate someone/something with your mind, [basically anything cool you saw in a movie]

If you want a simple spell to practice with, take a candle [white works for everything] charge with energy, light the candle, and visualize your desired outcome. Final step is to work for your goal in some way.
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Re: any good spells
Post # 10
Yes ofcours in my own opinion you can cast any spell without ingredient,ingredients used in spell casting is just to make it more effective but come to says more of it with just simple meditation,visualization,intention & vibration your spell shall reach its goal.Apart of meditation,visualization etc...vibration is always needed in any spell without ingredients.Now this is a simple & effective W.M wishing spell without any unaffoidable ingredients i often use,get 1 blank papper with no stain,1 chalk,but remember you have to perform this on a full/waxing moon period,please read & understand this very clear because i wont be happy if you perform this & in return no result.After getting the chalk & blank papper try to write your wish in 1sentence with the white chalk on the papper,after that try to sit where you can see the moon.Now clear your mind as usual & remain 1 with the moon i mean have nothing left with you exept the moon & your intention,now hold the papper with both hands flat the writen upside
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Re: any good spells
Post # 11
Try to visualize the writing very transparent with the moon appearence on the papper,then with strong vibration began to visualize your wish coming through,you may say some incantation depends on your wish & the most important thing try to hold 1 wish with you.After a couple of visualization & vibration fold the papper into 3fold & put it somewhere no eyes can see it & put something a little bit heavy on it so may wind not take it away but make sure the moon refflection refflect on it till dawn.When its dawn take papper with you intill you wish come through.Keep it in your mind that a spells can take a couple of days/week/weeks depends on the vibration you sent to the universe.
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