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Post # 1
I really want to know this!!!

I just read about "The Balance Factor" in magick rituals in The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey.It is something perhaps I may knew but never took it to considerations while performing.
How do you think it play a role in magick?
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Sorry, never read The Satanic Bible, but I assume from the title it's about finding balance in things [cut down a tree, plant a tree] if that's the case I feel it's a natural rule to make sure no one abuses power or gets too much good or evil. You might have a rough patch a deal with a lot of terrible things, but things always work out and eventually your misfortune with change. Same with good times, eventually life throws a curse ball. As a result, remember magick isn't always positive and helpful. If you cast too many spells, or try to use magick to have a perfect life, the universe will bring everything back to balance in some way. [at least that's what I think when I hear "the balance factor" but idk what he was going for]
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