Being Judged

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Being Judged
Post # 1
Hello, I am a wiccan and im in school currently and a few of my friends know my im a Wiccan, other students at my school found out somehow and are judging me, my friends told me to ignore it but i cant seem to get it out of my head because i don't like all the attention. And its not positive attention. Alot of students don't want to be friends with me either. Im not gonna quit my religion because I was born this way.But I really don't want everyone too point fingers. Could I get some advice please Thank You.
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Re: Being Judged
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I apologize for the problems you are facing. I truly understand what you are talking about. I faced something similar and it taught me a word of advice. I learned that nowadays you have to hide everything about you. Apparently, no one is allowed to be a religion other than christian or have any problems frowned upon in society. I hate these roles that we are assigned to think and believe. So yeah,my only word of advice is to pretend you aren't Wiccan. It might make everything return to normal
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Re: Being Judged
Post # 3

At your age (it sounds like) it's very hard to ignore the negative attention. We all wanted to fit in or blend into the background. I was able to do that successfully but I had surrounded myself with others on the same spiritual level as I and hardly ever talked to anyone else (thank you, anxiety). Even my mother was okay with it. The only time I ever received any sort of negative feedback was when I was living with my aunt, who is the biggest hypocrite I have ever met.

The bestadvice I can give, just push through it. Keep your faith even in the face of adversity. Even the Bible preaches that message. And if they want to throw stones, remind them that Jesus said to love thy neighbor. I always loved throwing those facts back at my aunt to catch her in her hypocrisy.

Keep doing you, boo. Keep your head up. And keep moving forward <3

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Re: Being Judged
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Something similar happened to me. I took a world religions class and as an independent study assignment I picked Wicca and that's how I converted, but by the end of the school year everyone knew I was 'a witch' [so scary whooo] I will never forget sitting at my desk before class started and this girl in my class who I never spoke to walked up to me

Her: I heard you got Wicca.
Me: yes?
Her: I'm Pagan and I wanted Wicca *drops bag of books on my desk* thought you would need these.

Lol, she was a wonderful person, helped me with a ton of resources, went of to college the next year and never saw her again, but everyone knew she was a witch, and as a result of me hanging with her and then this other girl who was a witch [she told me to stay away from the other one, should of listened] I was marked as a witch. [i had a large group of friends and 6 of us were some form of Pagan and the whole school knew thanks to rumours] anyway, we all were confronted individually at one point or another by students, we lost a few friends [those ones said we were going to hell and were satan worshippers and blah blah blah] but I honestly didn't care, I had my friends and no one else really mattered.

I got some bullying from other students for my faith but I got far more as a result of being a founding member of our GSA [gay straight alliance, a club to create a safe space for LGBT people and their allies well before 'safe space' was a thing] but whatever the reason I was bullied, having a handful of good friends who had my back was better than being popular/liked by a large group. I know it's hard, but tell yourself you have real friends who love you no matter what. And as for those who hate on you, tell them you'll curse them, we use to threaten that all the time and the mention of a curse was enough to scare people into convincing themselves anything bad was the witches curse. It was hard to feel saddened by their insults when you felt sorry for them for being so gullible.
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