Prophetic dream

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Prophetic dream
Post # 1
Hello everyone, I hope all is well and hope everyone had a great Yule and happy holidays to all.

Recently (On Wednesday 19th) I was attempting to perform divination but since I had done a lot of yard work preparing for the snow I was a bit too tired to use divination. I did what I normally do when I'm too tired and grounded my energy afterwards I felt more focused and more energized. Later on as the sun set I felt like I had enough energy to use divination, but I thought I'd try to have another prophetic dream as I've been practicing this for a number of years, I retrieved my amethyst from my window sill having charged and cleansed it so it would be ready to help with my divination. But since it can also bring prophetic dreams I thought I may as well use it since I already charged and cleansed it. I also called upon the aspect of the Goddess that I work with, Queen Hecate. In my dream I saw Hecate and she gave one of my friends a key to give to me. I know this may sound odd but Hecate told me that they key was called "The Key of Fate" and that it could be used to open a "gate" that could bring forth a being that may go by the name "Tear" (as in to cry). I know there's a meaning behind this because I've learned the difference in energy between Hecate (or any deity that I've worked with) actually being in my dreams and me just thinking about her. I know Hecate's symbols include keys and she's given me keys before, only those ones I'd see in a vision or through divination and I'd actually end up getting physical keys that look exactly like the ones I saw in the vision. Hecate has told me that those physical keys are like focusing tools. Can anyone help me make sense of this, I've tried but I can't seem to figure it out. If you need more information simply ask me.


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Re: Prophetic dream
Post # 2
I mean first day of Yule , since it goes until January first.
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