Help! Begginer issues!

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Help! Begginer issues!
Post # 1

Hi guys. This is Pisces. As some of you are aware, I've been having difficulty understanding how to channel my focus and the study of magic, in general. I would like some help (and possibly some website ideas) , if anyone has anything. I'm confused on everything, I guess... Anything helps! Thanks a lot!

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Re: Help! Begginer issues!
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

I think what you're saying is that there's so much out there that it's difficult to know where to start? (Correct me if I'm wrong on that.)

Anyway, if I'm understanding your question correctly, don't worry. We've all been there. I found that it helped to focus on what drew you to witchcraft in the first place. Are you fascinated by herblore and crystal magick? Start with that. Have you always felt a pull to Celtic mythology and wanted a path that reminded you of it? Look in Celtic Paganism. Were you drawn in by tarot and crystal balls? Study divination. Once you're able to pinpoint the things that really drew you to the craft, you can focus on studying those and work out from there.

The things that first drew me to the craft were spellcasting and my belief in spirits, such as the Fair Folk. I focused on studying spellcasting for a long time, but I've since broadened my practice. I found that focusing on one or two things helped me in the early stages of learning.

Another thing I found helpful was learning the basics. Study what most people consider to be the bare bones of magick. Read a little bit about the larger paths (such as Wicca). Recognizing some of the common veins among pagan and witchcraft paths can help you hone your practice.

Helpful sites: has an archive of, well, sacred texts from many different paths and cultures, including witchcraft traditions.

ThoughtCo has a section on Wicca and Paganism.

If there's a certain tradition you're interested in, look for forums and blogs on it. You can also check YouTube; there are a number of YouTuber witches I watch that I've found helpful. That depends on what sort of beliefs and traditions you're interested in, though.

Sorry that's all a bit vague; I'm not sure exactly what sort of things you're interested in. Hope that helps, though!

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Re: Help! Begginer issues!
Post # 3

I appreciate the help you were able to give me. I'll keep looking into everything, because it's a lot of information, but, again, it was helpful and I'll have to do more research. Thank you.

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Re: Help! Begginer issues!
By: / Novice
Post # 4
This is the joy of paganism it's such an open umbrella you can't speak with any real conviction because everyone does things a little different. [take circle casting, the chant, who to call to, direction to start in, and markers can all change] I would find a good beginners guide and follow that until you're comfortable to branch out. I always recommend Raymond Bucklands Complete book of Witchcraft [aka the big blue book] as to a workbook that can help you answer a few more personal questions [what do you feel is magick for example]

I watch a lot of pagan youtubers so you might like to find a few to watch. TipToeChich is still my favourite [she died this year, broke my heart] there's also TheLadyGraveDancer, EmberHoneyraven, Harmony Nice, Anais Alexandra, and The White With Parlor to name a few 'teaching' channels you could check out.

I also love podcasts, but most I listen to is more talk radio, but you might still find enjoyment and education out of it. Three Pagans and a Cat, Two Bad Pagans, Hex Rated, Hippie Witch, The Witch Wave, Millennial Pagan Podcast and The Fat Feminist Witch to name a few I love. You might really enjoy Three Pagans and a Cat as they have the building your book series and sabbat episodes.

If you would like further books to check out I can provide them later, but I have to get back to work, let me know if you need any more help. [also there's articles and forums on here for beginners. Type 'beginners guide' into the search bar]
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