Fairy Garden

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Fairy Garden
Post # 1
I just recently got a new house, and I'm looking to make a fairy garden. I want to know what plants I should put in the garden, I know fairies love shiny and sweet things, so silvers and reflect items as well as sugar water and water, I know I have to have for them. But I need further help as to what I can put in the garden. I know fairies are nice, but it's hard to attract them. Thank you all in advance.
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Re: Fairy Garden
Post # 2

Fairies namely enjoy large, colorful plants, that provides shelter and produce food. They also love flowers that have a particularly sweet scent such as roses, primroses, and lilacs. For herbs that attract fairies, then I would recommend thyme, rosemary, or heather. If you want to go one step further, then planting an oak tree in the middle of your garden would considerably increase your chances of interesting them.

Another good way to draw fairies to your garden is to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, such as planting flowers and herbs that draw them, adding birdbaths or birdhouses, and more. Here is a helpful website that goes more into detail about it: http://www.gardenfairy.com/fairygarden/attract.htm

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Re: Fairy Garden
Post # 3
Thank you so much, unfortunately I'm renting so I can't add such a big plant. ~Haha Once I own my own property I'll plant a million of them, but a small garden is all I can do.
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Re: Fairy Garden
Post # 4
Give them offerings that are solely meant for them, like for example buy a package of cookies and lay all the cookies out for them. Fairies enjoy gifts that they feel you've gone out of your way for. They can be slightly greedy so if you keep any for yourself they'll feel like you shorted them. That's just an example though. Good luck!
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Re: Fairy Garden
Post # 5

You're welcome; I'm glad I could help! Good luck with your garden and attracting fairies.

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