Looking for Guidance

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Looking for Guidance
Post # 1
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Oct 30, 2018
Please excuse all my posts I just really want to check lots of things and gauge opinions before I do anything. I once had a friend who was a pagan too she had studied many years and was apparently high up in her order. She was also apparently part of the illuminati if that even exists though I found that harder to believe. She always looked at me as an utter novice because I have read only a few books and I practice paganism my own way, the way that feels right. That made me a "fluffy bunny spiritualist" apparently. Things like that made me move away from her friendship as it hurt me a lot when it was all so important to me. However she as a "higher" more "learned" occultist taught me/told me things that I need opinions on. Apparently you should never use magic for your own gain? (once hot scolded for controlling wind direction to make putting the washing out easier). Is that true? Did I mess up? I just really wanna be clear on these things if I am going to jump into this seriously. I don't like following rules I like to do what feels right BUT I will follow rules that is respecting people and laws and all that I have a really fear about hurting or offending anyone. Least if all the universe or the earth.
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Re: Looking for Guidance
By: / Novice
Post # 2

You have to remember that Paganism is not one religion, it is an umbrella term that covers hundreds of religions, each with their own guides and laws.

For them, not using magick for personal gain is part of their specific path or religion, that doesn't mean that you have to follow it, if you aren't following the same path. I know many people who follow this idea, but also many others who use magick for personal gain and see no harm in it (I fall into the latter).

Unfortunately within the occult/pagan/spiritual community there are many elitists who are under the belief that their way is the only way. That simply isn't true. The most important thing in all of this is whether it is right to you and your path. If something doesn't feel right to you or doesn't sit within your moral code then that is what you need to think about, rather than what another Pagan on a different path believes.

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Re: Looking for Guidance
Post # 3
Thank you Rikki that was how I felt about it sometimes but as I was so new I could never be sure if I was doing right or wrong. Thank you for your thoughts.
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Re: Looking for Guidance
By: / Novice
Post # 4
The amount of books don't really matter. I love reading books, but there comes a point where you live out of books and don't actually do anything. [why cast a circle, I read about it] reality it matters more you apply your knowledge instead of finishing a book and jumping right into the next without applying it.

As also said, 'Paganism' is an umbrella term that basically covers everything that isn't Judaism, Christianity, or Islam [so Hinduism and Buddhism technically fall under Paganism though few practicing Hindus would call themselves Pagan] so your brand of practice is only wrong if A. You feel it's wrong or B. You are trying to follow a set religion under the Pagan Umbrella [cursing someone yet insisting you're Wiccan for example] so there really isn't a 'wrong way' to practice.

What I feel you should do if you are Pagan but don't follow a specific religion, I would write your own code of ethics, reflect on what you feel is right and wrong, keep coming back and revising it until a year has passed, then do a ceremony where you make an oath to uphold this code of ethics until a time where experience teaches you otherwise [example, you swear to never curse someone only for years later you feel cursing people who have done harm is acceptable. You may still see cursing wrong, you may not, but that's a simple example many contemplate]

As for your friend, it was wise to walk away from someone who pulls you down more times than build you up. Take what you learned from your experience with this person and grow from it.
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Re: Looking for Guidance
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Looking for Guidance
Post # 6
Thank you that's a wonderful idea!
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