Thoughts about my dreams

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Thoughts about my dreams
Post # 1
OK for a while now I have been getting some out of the ordinary dreams.
In one of my dreams I was in a city trying to find my teammates while avoiding detection from goblins in the dream but the team was from an anime called Black Clover.
The second one is I was at work and on the run from something that was chasing me and I didn't know what it was either.
And lastly in the current situation I was in a concrete facility underground but with fumtime Freddy and mangle from Five Nights At Freddy's but a bit more painful I was caught three times twice by Freddy and once by mangle.
Any ideas what this might mean?
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Re: Thoughts about my dreams
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well the theme in all of them involves chasing or falling behind. Being chased is a common theme in dreams and can signify a few things. Since you're being chased it could be fear, avoidance, or running from ones true self in waking life. Evaluate what's going on in your waking life and that can narrow down which one you are.

Fear: you experienced some form of trauma or pain and you refuse to acknowledge it and instead wish to bury it.

Avoidance: like with fear you refuse to accept a reality [parents divorce, friendship ending, sick loved one, graduating school and moving to adulthood] and try to pretend everything's ok when you need to address the painful truth.

Self: a specific aspect of yourself is trying to come out but you don't want it to [sexuality, gender identity, religious identity, even being the opposite political stance as everyone else or wanting to go into a career people deem 'beneath you' can cause you to bury who you really]

Journalling can help you further get to the bottom of things, but if you're honest with yourself you probably already know the answer.
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