Activating Your Powers

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Activating Your Powers
Post # 1
I decided to choose the Gemini Path for this following spell. That is because based on my birth date 06/15/1991 I am a Gemini. This is my personal astrological sign. It was mentioned there is a separate set of instructions to choose the Gemini path. Could someone please send it to me to help. Thanks!
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Re: Activating Your Powers
Post # 2

If by ' Gemini Path ' you mean from the tv series, it isn't real. However if you mean it from the zodiac sign and using its influence in your magical workings for your favor, it's a different story.

Regarding the title, what exactly do you mean by " Activating your powers " ?

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Re: Activating Your Powers
Post # 3
There is a spell here I believe that say it will activate your powers, is this what you refer to?
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Re: Activating Your Powers
By: / Novice
Post # 4

spells can not activate your 'powers'. those spells are fluff(think about it, how can you activate powers with a spell if you have no powers to perform the spell). Magical ability is gained through practice and dedication, which can take years. However, to activate powers such as telekinesis or shape shifting, you will be waiting an eternity because it is impossible and will never happen. Spells like that are on the site because anyone has the ability to add spell is they choose.

Hope this cleared things up,


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