What Can Magick Do?

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Re: What Can Magick Do?
Post # 2
Yes and No. Okay, this is going to take a few minutes to explain. Magic cannont kill you instantly like in Harry Potter. However, you can curse and hex someone so much that they can die. Generally this will be by an accident as they are overly focused on all the ills in their life. Or they could become sick and die. Generally this will happen to one who is already in ill health, a run of bad luck that never seems to go away could bring about stress that will compromise the health of the individual.

Now, what you have to understand is that this is more about the person being cursed and how they internalize what is happening to them. I do know that some people seem to be able to work their will against such attacks and either bring them to an end or turn them back on the attacker.

Some people have been cursed to a point that they thought death was preferable. Remember, there are things that are worse than death. Magic can do a lot of things for good or ill depending on how you look at it.

Just remember, should you choose to partake in the cursing of another, you will not be immune to repercussions of your actions. Nor will you always be the stronger magic user in the altercation and some relish in the idea of 'paying back' what has been done to them.
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Re: What Can Magick Do?
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

I really have nothing to add, i definitely agree with Nord!

But i do think it is more constructive to focus on bettering your life instead of ruining others, situationally dependent of course! Just some friendly advice, to clarify. =)

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Re: What Can Magick Do?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Magick is energy and the belief is by casting spells you are making the energy vibrate a certain way to attract/repel what you desire. Love spells work by effecting your energy and the other persons so you are at a similar energy and notice each other. Curses and hexes send negative energy at another and make them feel this energies effects, lowering their energy and making them feel weak. Death spells are a grey area in magick, no one really has a 100% yes or no for it, it comes down to understanding magick and drawing your own conclusions. If death spells work you are sending a large amount of hatred and negative energy at this person and lowering their energy to the point where they become sick.

That said you should also realize energy lingers and what you put out returns. Some feel it's karma or the Law of Three, but the very basic understanding of magick is you charged energy into your space and this energy will linger [negative energy clinging to things like tar] so charging enough negative energy and emotion to curse someone to death will leave a large amount of negative energy in your home that will bring some pretty nasty things your way as well.

Personally I believe death spells can work [though very rarely] but I've never met a person I wanted dead so I've never looked into or attempted one myself.
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Re: What Can Magick Do?
Post # 5

Thank You and I Understand, Magick is not like Harry Potter or Like the Movies. But, Do Tell me.. how someone can Curse/Hex someone to the point of death, in what way.

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Re: What Can Magick Do?
By: / Beginner
Post # 6

Nordstar gave you a very concise and thorough answer to your question already.

If you feel the need to question any further then it is likely you do not need to know

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Re: What Can Magick Do?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
You were given an answer not a step by step guide on how to cast such a spell. You won't get that if you were hoping for one. [most members of this site who are knowledgeable enough in spells wouldn't provide anyone with a death spell] but again, to cast any spell you are sending energy and intent on a desired path. Cursing someone you are sending them negative energy with drags them down. Death spells require a lot of negative energy and emotion to work. [which is also why I doubt one person alone can cast one] so if you're actually asking for a spell as an example, don't hold your breathe because you won't get one.
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Re: What Can Magick Do?
Post # 8

I want to know, why do people dismiss the elements/spirits in a Ritual?

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Re: What Can Magick Do?
Post # 9
What do you mean?
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Re: What Can Magick Do?
By: / Novice
Post # 10

In what context are you referring to? There could be several reasons why a spirit or elemental is dismissed. Perhaps the work is completed. Perhaps their attendance was not required or wanted in the first place. Much of the answer to that question would depend on what you are doing and how you are doing it. So, if you can provide some more specific examples I am sure we can provide a more specific answer.

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Re: What Can Magick Do?
Post # 11
Everything has a current of energy, love, hate, death, etc. if you can make a sigil(symbol) that represents that current of energy you can utilize that force through the symbol.
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