Unsettling Entity, Maybe?

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Unsettling Entity, Maybe?
Post # 1
I have this doll, and I have had her for years however she gives off this unsettling aura that isn't malevolent but isn't pleasant either. In recent months its been getting worse. Its to the point where I can't look at her without an uneasy feeling settling in my chest. At first I thought it was just paranoia or just something I personally had against dolls. However my other doll doesn't give off the same aura,nor does she cause this unsettled feeling in my heart. I don't know what to do anymore because now she interferes with my daily routines. Can someone help or at least explain whats going on?
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Re: Unsettling Entity, Maybe?
Post # 2
Did you put anything inside the doll to make it a poppet? If so, what did you put in? You can also hold a pencil in front of your face and focus on the doll. When you see the doll's aura in this way, if you do not know the meaning of the color of the aura of the doll, you can ask me, or you can look it up, yourself, in an aura dictionary.
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Re: Unsettling Entity, Maybe?
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

I had a doll when I was younger that used to make me uncomfortable too. It got to the point that I had a lot of trouble sleeping in my own room and would often sleep on the couch. I ended up putting her in a drawer in another room and closing the door.

I still don't know why it creeped me out so much. It's possible that it was just a phase for my age at the time, or that there was an entity really attached to it, or even that there was simply negative energy attached to it (I didn't get the doll new, so maybe the previous owner of the doll),but I felt a lot better after she was out of sight.

I don't know if that would be an option for you. I did worry about it at first because I was afraid something bad would happen if I put her in a drawer, like that she would get angry, but nothing happened and I was able to relax a lot more afterward.

If it is not an option, I would recommend trying a simple cleansing spell. Meditate, make sure you are in a peaceful and positive state of mind, and picture your surroundings and all of the energy attached to them. Picture scrubbing the bad energy away and allowing the space to be neutral before filling it with your own positivity.

This may need to be repeated as people come and go from the space, because people bring their own energy with them wherever they go and it rubs off and collects, but it should do the trick.

If it really isn't working for you and you truly believe there is a presence attached to the doll, you could try a banishing, which is very similar. The main difference in a banishing is that you are not simply scrubbing negative energy from a place as much as pushing out an unwelcome entity and claiming the space as your own.

Best of luck to you, and if you need any more help, feel free to send me a message.

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