Uh, hi there pals

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Uh, hi there pals
Post # 1
This is a long one folks, you've been warned. I'm unfortunately not that great at "Short and Sweet."

I'm not going to lie, I know virtually nothing about Wicca besides the difference between left-hand path and right-hand path. However, I was guided here by some current events. Let's start from the beginning if you actually care to read.

I've always had interest in the supernatural as well as magic and never really understood or accepted Christianity. My family is vaguely Christian (they don't go to church, but follow the basics of Christianity) besides my dad who is more aligned with new-age spirituality. For awhile, I followed my dad's beliefs and had learned much from him and his friend who is psychic. I learned about things like portals, energy, auras, that kind of stuff. I eventually branched off on my own and began to wonder about and try to unravel the universe for myself. I mostly worked with totem animals, especially with Bear. However, to my frustration I found out there is unfortunately not always an easily comprehensible answer to my endless questions. There was also a lot of doubt and changing to answers I thought I had already found to certain questions. This uncertainty and the many grey areas led me to also become a skeptic for awhile, and I turned Atheist. However, I was once again pulled back in to spirituality. You can only ignore weird stuff happening around you for so long before you finally give up denying the stuff going on.

So what in particular drove me back to Spirituality? Well, I had a significant life change for the worse that I'd rather not get into that put me in a very dark place. While I was in this state, really really strange and unexplainable things began to happen to me. I noticed wherever I went, repetitive numbers began popping up everywhere. Clocks, receipts, etc. 222 and 444 as well as their variants being the most common, but also 1111,1010,1212,77,66,333,55, and 88. I also noticed that I was seeing things out of the corner of my eyes again (they always seem to be human-like) which is something that I had lost around the time I was 12. Deja vu began happening almost constantly, and I'd sometimes be overcome with unexplainable and otherwordly feelings. Sometimes, especially when I would get really upset, it felt like I would "glitch" through dimensions and I would see flashes of colors or other weird things. (Of course, this could also be disassociation.) I would also have things happen in dreams that would come true later (usually small, insignificant things though.) And,the most annoying of the occurrences, I would randomly hear my name be called only to find out that nobody said anything. These things still do happen, but that's kind of when it all began.

Something else also happened in the midst of all the chaos in my life that is the reason I'm here. I noticed a red dragon appear to me in a dream. The dragon was talking to me about something, (I don't remember what was said to be perfectly honest). And I remember being swallowed whole by the dragon. However, the dragon didn't do this to eat me. I do remember him saying something about seeing the inner-workings of the way of the dragon. After being swallowed, I had been thrown into an intricate cave system. I don't remember many details as I've been having issues remembering my dreams lately, but when I woke up, I got that feeling that I should probably look into it.

So, I looked up the dragon totem. I got chills reading about it, as it's medicine seemed to be helpful in my situation. There was also a video I watched about people with the dragon totem by someone who I followed in my days working with totem animals. I aligned almost perfectly with what she said about people with dragon totems, so I began meditating to work with my newly discovered totem. It made sense, too. I've always held a strong interest for dragons, and have always seen them as majestic, powerful beings. As I worked with the dragon and communicated with him, I found out the dragon wasn't my totem, but rather my guardian. I also began noticing strange sensations on my head and back that almost felt like they were extra parts to my body. They aren't always present, but it feels weird when it does happen. During my sessions with, err...Mary Jane, they seemed more pronounced. I don't know if this has to do with my guardian, but I thought it was interesting. I felt horns on my head and almost an extension to my ears. The sensation on my back felt kind of like wings. I think it's possibly a way I connect with my guardian? but I'm not entirely sure what it is. It's a very vague feeling as well, almost a sort of tingling.

Fast forward a few months, and I've taken on some new ideas by now. My morals have changed, I generally reject the constructs of society, and my idea of bad and good is different. (That's a topic I'll get into another time.) And that's when I happen upon the topic of Draconic Wicca. You can bet money that it immediately sparked my interest. I mean, come on. Dragons, AND magic? Together in the same room? So, I looked into it. Those chills came back when the articles I read mentioned the new concepts I embraced. The Code of Honor was pretty in line with how I generally feel about things as well, so that wasn't an issue. And that's how I ended up here. I want to learn more about Draconic Wicca, and further my learning with my guardian. I figured the best way to do that is talk to people that practice it themselves myself.

Now that that's out of the way, about me. I'm an artist, I enjoy philosophy, I have synesthesia (music-to-color as well as smell-to-color), I like cooking (but don't like cleaning up, so I don't do it often.), I skateboard, I'm in to counter-culture, and my friends insist I'm a modern day hippie. I also have an unhealthy sweet tea addiction and I lean more towards the left politically. I've also got a pretty strange and absurd sense of humor that confuses people. I want to travel, and my all time favorite movie is Pulp Fiction.

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Re: Uh, hi there pals
Post # 2
Thats a very interesting stopy! It seems to me that you are very gifted witch though you have not known this yourself,its very likely that your ancestors where high witches but due to some influence your parents may have not followed the path that your ancestors followed and therefore these gifts could not manifest in there lives.however these gifts that are now manifesting in your is directly connected with your bloodline its not everyone gets these signs.when our souls develop new senses open up these are astral senses such clairaudience,claivoyance,psychometry etc.as a result you can see something before it happens physically in a dream through astral sight an astral sense of sight,occasionaly you may hear things spoken miles away but you may not know it.you are hearing and seing or this because you are developing astral senses and that other entities good or evil are trying to communicate something to you at this time.you need to assist in the development of these senses.record and try to interpret.
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Re: Uh, hi there pals
Post # 3
Thanks for the reply! It's interesting you bring up bloodlines. My mom has admitted to messing with witchcraft in the past, and various people in my family have smaller scale psychic abilities. My mom has never been able to keep a watch, they always break for no explainable reason which someone had told her related to being a witch. She has also had a vivid dream of being burned alive. One of my aunts get visions in her dreams, my cousin will usually stay away from houses that he gets "bad feelings" about (which one of the houses I used to live in was one of, that place was hella haunted.) We've also all had our run-ins with the paranormal. My mom even had a spirit that followed her around and would mess with things (turning TVs on and off, knocking things down, turning alarms on and off, and one time had turned on Christmas lights in the closet when my dad didn't believe her about it.) She did eventually ask it to leave, though. That side of my family has also warned me never to mess with Ouija boards, and see things like tarot cards, magical items, etc. as negative. My dad is also very experienced with the supernatural and has had some interesting events himself. He was involved in a fatal car crash once, and he swears he saw himself outside of his body, and also saw the driver of the car he had crashed into and distinctly saw his face. He was later able to identify him in an obituary. He also had a whale talk to him in a dream about portals, which he later found out from his psychic friend that there were two energy portals on his property.

As for my ancestors, I know very little about my family history. There's a lot of German and Irish on my dad's side, and my dad has a tattoo of the family crest on his arm which is a six-legged dragon. (sort of ironic considering I've chosen to work with dragons.) I've always wondered about Irish lore, and since you bring up bloodlines, I'm wondering if there's some connections there.

On my mom's side, there is Blackfoot Native American (which I took heavy interest in when I was younger) as well as Irish and German. I don't know much about the Irish side in this part of the family, but I know that I had ancestors in Germany who owned a funeral home and was involved in funerals and burials.

I don't know if this is useful information or not, but hopefully you or other experienced witches will be able to point me in the right direction. I didn't know ancestry played a role in Wicca.

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