Binding Spell for Stalker

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Binding Spell for Stalker
Post # 1
Is there a binding Spell I can use on a stalker, even if I don't know who they are? I've been to the police several times with no progress. The person is call and texting from a call app. With no name I can't get the courts to do a warrant. But recently the person sent a gift to my job. Can I use that object as a target?

Blessed Be Widdica32
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Re: Binding Spell for Stalker
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Do NOT accept any gifts from anyone you don't know. Inform your workplace that you do not accept any gifts from anyone at your workplace and if someone sends a gift with your name on it, inform the vendor to return it to sender.

Block any and every number this person tries to contact you from. Do NOT respond to them.

Yeah, there are binding spells you can do, even of you don't know them. Basically you will connect to their energy via the messages they've already sent you; an object they might never have touched should not be used. But angry burning the gift to destroy whatever connection they might feel towards you may help.

I'd represent them and you in some way physically, tie a cord between you to represent the attraction they feel towards you, and then ritually cut it, thereby severing this tie. When you cut it, cut it as close to your end as possible without damaging your representative. Then ritually burn the cord, that way it can't come back or be fixed.

The first few things are non-magic things, but super important in not letting the stalker get to you or find themselves believing you are accepting of the relationship. If they get a fantasy in their head that you taking the items means you like or want the person, they could escalate.

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Re: Binding Spell for Stalker
Post # 3
Thank you Rekhet, the information is very helpful.
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