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Post # 1
Hello all,
I reach out today in hopes that I find some answers. Lately I have been having dreams that send me on quest. I find the solutions to these quest in my waking life. When I fall asleep I provide the answers to my "guide" and am dealt another quest. The dreams are becoming more real and vivid. There is also another person in my dreams that I have grown attached to. Looking forward to falling asleep knowing they will be there to pick up where we have left off. I've reached out to this group because although I have no knowledge of magic, I cannot categorize this elsewhere. Does anyone have insight as to what might be going on, or maybe some guidance as to how I should deal with this?
Any input would be appreciated.

Thank you
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Re: Confused
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Sounds like prophetic dreams. Journal and reflect on them. This could be happening for a number of reasons, genetically it runs in your family, astrological events [not surprising with the super moon and whatnot] opening third eye, deepening your spiritual connection, or you are seeking answers and the universe/diety/spirit wish to help you. Journaling, dream interpretation, and reflecting on these dreams can help guide you further.

As for this person, it could be a number of things. This could be a past life, spirit, or spirit guide. It could be some type of twin flame or soul mate type situation where you are being helped on an astral level by someone. If you are female there's also the possibility this is the male energies in your subconscious guiding you. [If you believe in the theory we all have male and female energies]

Hard as it is however, my advice is to not dwell on these dreams and specifically this person or you will be consumed with the dream world and miss the waking world around you. Take these dreams meaning to heart, use it to guide you on your path, but don't obsess over the dreams and forged about reality. [I've had vivid dreams I couldn't shake for a day or two, I had to learn how to let go once I was finished journaling about them]
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Re: Confused
By: / Novice
Post # 3
It could be that you are interacting with a guide, or some other entity that is acting to inspire you into opportunities to learn... Or to reach a personal goal perhaps. Is there any sort of running theme to these 'quests'? Any recurring goals or a feeling of an end goal you have been trying to reach?

The person in your dreams could also be a personification of some part of yourself like your subconscious. Or perhaps the Higher self. Some inner voice that you are using to keep yourself on-track to a personal goal.

In all honesty it is difficult for others to define for you what you are experiencing. ... Though I find such definings to be less important than simply determining if it is a beneficial effort. I would suggest looking back over these events, what you have experienced through them, and what you may have gained by way of personal growth. If these dreams are inspiring you to become a better or more complete person then where they come from is somewhat less important.

If you don't already, I would suggest keeping a journal. Write out the dreams when you have them, and their dates, and do the same for when and how you conclude the tasks you encounter. It will be valuable to reflect on as time goes on.
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Re: Confused
Post # 4
I have had similar dreams where I am looking for an item and find it in my dream. Then in waking life I'll need to find the same item and know exactly where to look and it is where I found it in my dream. I feel this is as close to astral projection as I've ever gotten. For you these could be metaphorical quests that can relate to waking life, you could journal them like suggested and see if they relate to life. Like working on quests in dreams could be preparing you for future life quests or issues you'll run into. Like me then you will already know what to do to solve these issues. Writing these down and reflecting on them could give you insight into your dreams and life, I'd say this is very interesting for you.
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Re: Confused
Post # 5
There is definitely something different going on. I am journaling, thought that would be the easiest way to keep track of any messages that may be projected through these dreams. Trying not to become completely consumed has deemed to be the hardest part.

I have been an empath for as long as I can remember. Since these dreams, I have felt the ability to pick up on others intentions along with their feelings. Maybe it has to do with celestial events as suggested. I wouldnt be able to confirm if it is genetic as both of my parents passed when I was very young.

Thank you all for your input, it is much appreciated.
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