Good grades

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Re: Good grades
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
Oh i wish it was that easy to get good grades with spells but thats not how it works.

One make time for your homework and studying and look up on tips about studying.

Two don't be afraid to ask your teachers for help and stay after school for help; if you can.

Three put work first friends last
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Re: Good grades
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
Four sit in front of the class if y'all have assigned seats ask the teacher to move your seat

Five education is power

Everyday look in the mirror and say i am smart and believe that you're smart. Just keep in mind failer is a step to greatness because people learn from their failers. So when you get your test or work back and there is few answers wrong don't stop there ask the teacher how you get the correct answer and never stop learning on the subject. Use the internet for help too.
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Re: Good grades
By: / Novice
Post # 13
You might find some help from the YouTube series Crash Course, specifically their mini series on studying.

Study wise you might wish to burn a yellow candle on your desk or drink some chai tea with almond milk. The herbs used in chai along with black tea and almonds all have magical properties associated with wisdom, alert mind, confidence, strength, and luck. Take a few deep breaths and charge the tea and/or candle with energy and maybe say a little chant [I will remember what I study] then mindfully sip the tea before beginning your work. When you find something you need to remember or have trouble remembering, mindfully sip the tea and read it out loud.

Be sure to also take breaks, too little sleep or too much stress can effect how well you retain information. Overall I hope your family realizes you're doing your best and I hope you talk to them about everything you're going through. Yes I know how scary school can be, especially when you're working as hard as you can to get into a specific college/university after you graduate but you have opportunities to be successful and do amazing things with or without a higher education. Plus, you can go to school whenever. There's many options for you.
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