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Post # 1
I have recently turned 18 and I moved out of my abusive home to stay with my girl friend. They all live off of social security and have recently gotten in a car crash. I have never had a job, I am trapped here every day for the past 3 weeks and we live in the middle of no where. I am still in home school though. I am in a ditch metaphorically and have no idea what to do. I can not figure out a way to get on my feet for the life of me. I have had multiple scheduled interviews to get a job and I have not been able to go to a single one because I have no type of transportation. I am really stuck and in a very bad, depressing situation right now. Everywhere I turn, theres no way for me to get out of this room. I feel like such a loser and hate myself right now. Can anyone please give me advice?? I cant ask this question on yahoo questions because i have no points to be able to write this much. I understand this site is for magic and I apologize to those who are trying to answer magical questions, I figure this would be a helpful place to ask because I have met some really great people on here and hope that someone could give me advice..
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Re: Advice/help
Post # 2
How far is the distance from where yout at to posible jobs, if its not too far, then a bike may be used, see if you can get bus money for now to get to a job or posible, no one you can get a ride from at all, if you realy have no transport, try to get some by ordering a bike, if you dont have enough, check various websites that may help, I would check opinion outpost if you dont mind time consuming and surveys
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Re: Advice/help
Post # 3
there is no near by places to get a job and i have no bike or money for a bike and if i did i would prbably fail the interview bcause i would be all sweaty from the ride...
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Re: Advice/help
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

If you're still studying you might want to focus on that first though I can understand your desire to get a job considering your situation. I"m not sure your money situation as other than a bike the main transportation suggestions are either public transport or asking someone (family, friend, etc..) for a ride to your interviews as well as potentially a ride to your job until you make enough money to afford some type of transport. Your situation is a difficult one and i wish you all the best in the world. I know if you'll find a way.

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Re: Advice/help
Post # 5
Thank you for the advice guys, I will just do what I can.
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