All around magic kit

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All around magic kit
Post # 1
Hey everyone, first off I'm glad to be back, I know it's been awhile, I'm still on and off the site but I'm still practicing. Anyway, so after some thought I've decided I want to make a portable spell casting ritual kit. things that you think should be in a portable kit. :) for example stuff like a list of herbs, crystals, ritual materials, charts, etc etc. anything you can think of, send links, add anything and everything is welcome. blessed be and merry met everything. :)
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Re: All around magic kit
By: / Novice
Post # 2
well technically you can cast spells anywhere with anything, but it's a neat idea.

salt, blessed water, your book of shadows, perhaps your favourite well rounded herb [i go with cinnamon] and possibly some oil or a clear quartz. think of things to cleanse but also multiple use items. personally the majority of my spells are candles, with whatever herbs i have in my kitchen for my kitchen witchcraft. it all comes down to intent, not tools.
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Re: All around magic kit
Post # 3
When you mean all around magick I'm going to assume everything one would need including divination tools such as a tarot, or runes perhaps a scrying sphere or bowl. When I go on the road to clear a home of negative entities or perform an exorcism, bless and ward a person or property or marry a couple I pack everything but the kitchen sink,
For cleansing purposes I have various salts, various structured water, sage and incense a few different kinds of crystals and gems my sword and my divination tools which serves a duel purpose as My main form of divination is modern geomancy and I can use the same gems and stones from my divination kit for various other purposes such as balancing energy and protection etc.
I work heavily with elemental powers when I do these sorts of house calls so I like to bring along some ritual items pentacle, wand, chalice and sword. I also like to bring enchanted items that might be of use such as rings and talismans for various purposes. Most of all these things fit nicely into a small suitcase.
When it comes to weddings and funerals I add a few more items but those are mostly ceremonial in nature and often times the clients will provide any specific ritual items or aesthetics for the ceremony pertaining to their particular traditions and my credentials of ministry for all the legal stuff down at the courthouse, some states don't require that though.
I hope this helps give you some ideas.
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