bible-thumping witches?

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Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 18
It is hard to believe that a printed book (written centuries earlier) with pagan blood can accept practitioners of what they condemn. Some Christians seem to have evolved, to ignore the pathology that they are the center of the universe and accept diversity in belief, but they are not yet the rule. So by separating the Psalms from the biblical blood book, the more "focused" the biblical halter, the worse the believer's situation, especially when he or she thinks religious differences are a threat. It is the random law of action and reaction, in they response to what is written in the Bible in "Exodus 22:18," which some Christians just obey.

Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 19
Tesla, you are referring to a very poorly translated verse. The original Hebrew does not mean a practitioner of witchcraft, but a poisoner; someone who uses 'potions' to kill.

You also only take the Bible at its current major interpretation, and not from the perspective of how much it has changed through the millennia along with the mindset of the people who followed its scriptures.

It is not a 'pagan blood book' any more than its words were taken far out of context in order to be used as an excuse to kill people.

Re: bible-thumping witches?
By: / Beginner
Post # 20
I am going to be honest any chance of me being concerned with being "respectful" went out the window with the title of this post "bible-thumping witches?". Instead I am going to be very blunt. Just because someone adheres to the Ten Commandments does not make them a Bible thumper. Five of the Ten Commandments are can be applied to anyone regaurdless of his/her religion. Honour thy father and mother. Respect your parents Thou shall not kill Do not murder someone Thou Shall not commit adultery Do not cheat on your husband/wife. Thou Shall not steal Do not take things that are not yours. Thou shall not covet anything of thy neighbors Do not be jealous of someone because they have more than you. None of the Commandments above have anything to do with the Christian God, and can be adhered by someone from any path. Now I have one last thing I would like to adress before I move on to answer the origional posters questions. Before I say this I would like to say that the vast majority of the comments were possitive in nature. It infuriates me that a few on here would judge all Christians based upon the actions Christians who have been dead and gone for Centuries. Frankly it is no better than the Christian God punishing all of humanity because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowlede, which makes it irratating and hypocritical. Moving on. While I am not a Christian I do; I believe in heaven and hell, I do not worship any other Gods or Goddesses, and I adhere to the five aforementioned commandments as well as observe the other five. Now my opinion on the Christian God either a kind benovolent God or a five year old burning ants with a magnifying glass depending on one's perspective. Personally I do not know where I stand as I can not see myself on either side. That said I love the Bible as it is filled with many great morals. If I don't like what a passage says guess what? Flip the page and its gone amazing!!!

Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 21

Very well put, Gentle.

Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 22
It is still a big NO!!! from Me!

Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 23

Holy Crud monkeys. I'm the afore mentioned ChristWicca from the post way back then.

When it comes to God and Wicca/Paganism, it's a very thin, very fragile line to walk. It involves constant balancing. Who am I pleasing, what do I believe, how does this make sense?

For those who are Trinitarian Wiccans, Christopagans, Christian Witches, whatever in the soup you are, they have a lot of courage to stand up and try to bridge the two.

Personally, I was raised Roman Catholic. I felt this close relationship with God but Church and Christianity wasn't offering me what I needed in my spiritual life. Wicca did with its divine feminine and its natural processes. So I tried to make do with what I had. I don't have a canon, a creed, no priest or religious leader to help me out. I'm seriously alone without any support other than other Christian (insert wicca/pagan relation here)s.

So to hear all this "Christian witches don't exist" "They aren't real" "Pick a side" is really frustrating because I KNOW what it's like to be told that and have to stumble through a labrinth blindfolded, picking up scraps of whatever spiritual truth I can hang onto.

So that's my two cents. Believe what you will and remember this:

You have NO right to tell anyone what they believe is wrong. And that's the truth.

Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 24

I apologize for the ignorance with certain members of SoMs.I find that any form of practice should be respected no matter the history or beliefs. Satanism has a bad rap so does Christian Witches(or whatever term you use).

Thank you all the members who respect other practice and kept well within the walls of the horrible titled of a topic. I enjoy reading opinions even if I disagree because it showed me what some members are like and how others are.


Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 25
Oroboros, it's obvious you don't welcome all paths and practices as your mission statement says. I agree with Weatherwax. if it works for you, it works for you. Path and belief is a personal thing which only has to be understood, reconciled and accepted by self.

Re: bible-thumping witches?
Post # 26
You're right, Prson!
But will you explain this to people who believe in bad translations?
Of people crazy the asylum and many churches are full !!!
They say that the inquisition is over, but there is a lot of Christians blaming the misfortunes they make themselves, and they use Jesus and God as an excuse.
The story is in the interpretations, not in the original text. Even because they have adulterated and taken away much valuable to mortgage the sanctity to the new puppets (Mother Teresa of Calcutta for example), and retire others (Saint George, for example) "Saint" that do not matter anymore.
First they hunted pagans (inquisitors), then Jews (Nazis), and now drug traffickers use some Christian and / or evangelical churches as façades to hunt down legalists ...
What is the christian reality that matters in this whole story?

Re: bible-thumping witches?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 27

I think that we are beginning to see a thread in bashing of others beliefs in this thread which is discouraged on this site. So I am locking this thread. Please keep in mind that we do not trash another's spiritual beliefs or practices on this site.

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