Honey Jar Love questions

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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 7
- Can all these petitions go into one honey jar or should there be separate honey jars?
- What should be written on the petitions for the other two females?
- What does “specifiying between targets” mean? Is that like “love me” or “love her”?
- Do the candles all need to stay the same color? I am looking for both a romantic and sexual kind of love, but just like any relationship im looking for friendship too. Would a red candle be the best color for this kind of honey jar?
- “This really depends on what you are trying to accomplish between the three people and how they would normally feel about it. You may need Domination, Bend Over, and Come to Me oils for this to be effective.” I am looking to strengthen the bond between me and them and them together. I want something that will bring all three of us together and be in love. I wouldn’t mind having “dominance” or “bend over” sexual intentions but that’s not all I want. I want Love. Whats your suggestions to ignite passion and romance and love?
- “I would personally augment the last petition such that neither female #1 or #2, which would cause an imbalance in the relationship manifesting in some form of breakdown later on. You could write a forth petition that would be the 'vice versa' of the jar between the females”. Not sure what is meant here, could you please explain in a few details.
- “My thoughts on this working : You should definitely put a good minute into divination and forethought before pursuing this, as it seems ripe with chance of 'backfire'. You are entangling a lot of people in a situation they would otherwise be averse to, which always carries a higher chance for failure. I hope you get everything you deserve out of this.” Could you please give me a few detail in what you mean by “backfire”. I hear so many people advising me to think of the possibilities that could go wrong and wanting me to not do this spell. The problem with this is all I can think about is what all good that could come from this. I love both these women and they love me. In this lifetime that’s really all that matters is love right? Yeah every relationship has problems doesn’t really matter if the union is with 2 people or 3 people. Many religions throughout the test of time have came to the understanding of multiple partner relationships. No one ever tells an indigenous tribe or a fundamentalist Mormon that their communion is wrong. Maybe I am looking at it all wrong but the way that I see this spell was a helpful tool to increase a stronger bond. Its better to say I tried than to set back and never tried at all. Would it be better to not have one of the females, that I love, in my life in order to conform with society? “Its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”. I don’t want to not think of the possibilities, so please help to open my eyes because if I go forth with this spell I want full support in knowing I made the right choice. Thanks
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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
By: / Novice
Post # 8
  • Can all these petitions go into one honey jar or should there be separate honey jars?

They can.

  • What should be written on the petitions for the other two females?

Well, this really depends on whether you want one female dominate over the other, if not you can signify bringing them closer without dominance by writing their names side-by-side and touching with "love each other" written as the command.

  • What does specifiying between targets mean? Is that like love me or love her?

I meant trying to shoehorn all your intentions into a petition when attemtping to draw together three people would be difficult. Using multiple petitions will allow for clearer intent, which can only help.

  • Do the candles all need to stay the same color? I am looking for both a romantic and sexual kind of love, but just like any relationship im looking for friendship too. Would a red candle be the best color for this kind of honey jar?

I would keep it one color.

  • I am looking to strengthen the bond between me and them and them together. I want something that will bring all three of us together and be in love. I wouldn't mind having dominance or bend over sexual intentions but that's not all I want. I want Love. Whats your suggestions to ignite passion and romance and love?

Pink. Romance will sow seeds for passion and it will give you a solid foundation. You might consider a long term three part working where you do a jar for friendship, then a jar for romance, then a jar for passion.

  • "I would personally augment the last petition such that neither female #1 or #2, which would cause an imbalance in the relationship manifesting in some form of breakdown later on. You could write a forth petition that would be the 'vice versa' of the jar between the females." Not sure what is meant here, could you please explain in a few details.

What I meant was giving one female domination over the other would just lead to a poorly balanced relationships manifesting malice, miscommunication, and mistreatment. I explained a better way to write the third petition in a previous bullet.

  • Could you please give me a few detail in what you mean by backfire?

When I say 'backfire' I don't mean what some people here mean, where instead of getting what you want, you get worse than nothing. The backfire I'm talking about is where you try and shoe horn three people into a relationship when two-thirds of the party would never agree to such an arrangement. If you can't see the pitfalls of shoving three people into a situation they are subconsciously against, then I would be careful moving into this. I'm not against polyamoury, but I wouldn't think it wise to try and subjugate multiple people to your will and then create a life that is dependent on them and deeply entangled in their happiness.

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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 9
I'm very sorry for overloading this thread with so many questions, but I have a few more:

- When adding the pictures do I:
- Add a picture of myself
- How do I add the two separate pictures of the two females
- Does the all the ingredients to the spell need to be folded up in the pictures

Can you send me your favorite working honey jar (Love) spell

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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
By: / Novice
Post # 10
  • Should I add a picture of myself?

You don't need to, but if you do, I would add two, and use them as your petition papers. They should depict you with one of the females, especially if they are romanitc in nature. For the third picture a picture of the two females will work, or a picture of you with them will work. If using them as the petition paper, simply write the petition on the back of the photo.

  • How do I add the two separate pictures of the two females?

As stated above.

  • Do all the ingredients need to be wrapped folded in the pictures?

No, but the targets personal effects ( toenails, hair, etc .) shoul be folded in the picture of the target.

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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 11
So just as an update, I started my honey jar today. I did as everyones advice mentioned:

- Wrote females names on petition side by side with "love each other" as its command.
- Added Pictures of me and them (individually of course), folded pics and petitions 3 times towards myself.
- Added both of there hand writings that says Love(their names)
- Added their hair
and Added cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, roses, basil, lavender, bay leaves, oregano and cayenne powder.

Question: How forgiving is the spell if something isnt done completely right? Im pretty sure I did everything correctly but it has me wondering if I did everything right.
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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 12
MistyWench, Would it be ok if I sent you a message by email? I had a couple of questions. Thanks
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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 13
During the candle lighting ritual each day, how long are you supposed to pray to the jar and talk to the candle? The only reason I ask is because today during my candle lighting, I prayed to my jar while imagining what my intentions were. Then when I talked to the candle (while lit) I imagined talking to the person(s) and imagined my intentions. My candle was half way finished (half left) and then I had an urgent matter that took me away from my candle/honey jar. At first I thought the draft from me leaving blew out the candle which really worried me, but then when I came back I realized it was all burnt out. Was praying and talking to my candle/honey jar enough or should I re-light another candle and start over?
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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 14
Question to all: I'm not sure if this matters, but there was one candle lighting that I got pulled away by an emergency and was only able to do half the candle lighting. Now today I realized that the first week that I was supposed to burn my candles for seven days I actually missed counted and light eight candles meaning I went from Friday to Friday not taking in consideration of the amount of days I actually did the spell. I'm back on track this week by doing 3 candle lighting ceremonies.

So now for my question: How much effort and consistence does the candle lighting matter? Did I do a major mistake? How much time should be spent with the candles (did I mess up the candle lighting when I had the emergency). Please give me some guidance cause I want my honey jar spell to work without any mistakes.

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Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 15
Hello All! I was wondering if anyone would tell about their Honey Jar success stories and how they noticed they were starting to come true.

Also, if anyone could give me some examples as to what I could start to notice with my Honey Jar spell.
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Re: Honey Jar Love questions
Post # 16
'Many religions throughout the test of time have came to the understanding of multiple partner relationships. No one ever tells an indigenous tribe or a fundamentalist Mormon that their communion is wrong'
Yes, patriarchal religions allowed men to have multiple wives because marriage was (and still is, in many places) legally considered male 'ownership' of women. Plenty of people believe this is wrong.
It's also a generally entitled and self-centred way to view relationships with women.
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