Disc: Devotion

CovenNatural Magick ► Disc: Devotion
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Disc: Devotion
By: / Novice
Post # 1

This discussion will be based upon our deities and our devotions.

  • Is there any particular pantheon that you worship/serve/honor?
  • In what way do you serve them(if you do)?
  • Etc.

Re: Disc: Devotion
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I mostly honor Greek deities.

I do various things, the only shrines I have set up are one to Hekate (different aspects, not just that one) and Hermes. I do smaller devotional activities for other theoi accompanied by prayer.

Re: Disc: Devotion
Post # 3
I am Norse Heathen. I follow Frigg and the 12 handmaidens. This is a personal understanding of her and 12 other goddesses who have similar aspects to Frigg. They are (I will spell these wrong) Fulla, Hlin, Syn, Eir, Saga, Lofn, Sjofn, Gna, Snorta, Vor, Var, and Gefion. My altar has a representation of each, even if only their name on a card. I seek their counsel when I am working on an issue. I take their messages to me as something required for me to do. When I pathwalk to Frigg's Hall I speak to each of them that is there. I have traveled to a few halls of the others.

Each has a specific way that I serve them. I will spare you the details of it all. I find that each one of them has an aspect that is required in my daily life and that by being true to them and myself I am showing my devotion.

Re: Disc: Devotion
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Mostly an Apollon devotee and looking to start working with nymphs and Pan. *rolls around*

Re: Disc: Devotion
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

Being a heathen, I honor many different deities and wights from the Norse pantheon. The ones I most commonly include in my workings areLoki, Fenrir, Mimir, Surtr, Rindr, Angrboda, Aegir, Ran and the Wave Maidens.

Each of them is different in terms of how I go about honoring them and serving them. Some are more involved than others, and require more. Some are not involved really at all. In general, I do like to show devotions by doing small and frequent offerings, oaths and performing tasks that I am asked to do/feel compelled to do for them. I often have an altar or an offering jar somewhere for these deities and keep them clean and frequently add to them.

Re: Disc: Devotion
Post # 6

I don't serve/honor/worship any specific pantheon, though I do work with a couple of deities and spirits from Greek, Slavic, and Norse pantheons such as the ones listed on my profile. I do serve a number of other spirits, a majority of them coming from realms that I feel have been vastly unexplored and very foreign.

I do a weekly ritual on Sunday for prayers and serving the spirits and deities I have the closest connection to, and once a month on a full moon I do a major ritual where I serve and honour a great number of the spirits and deities I've worked with and that I am gracious towards.

Re: Disc: Devotion
Post # 7

Pantheon is not something I find to be important. A lot of Greek deities predate Hellenism. Then on top of which. they are sometimes shown to be Sabine and Roman deities. A lot of the Greek deities seem to be so oppisite end of the spectrum. In this heavy duty conflict, not play fighting. Based on my interpretation of the text anyways.

Aside from Ares the only other deity I have a heavy interest in is Loki as I feel him in many aspects of my life. A lot of the things I like best about Ares Loki has no short supply of. The comparisions are actually pretty neat. I will be trying to do a comparitive piece on the two at some point. Their children are also a subject of interest.

As of right now my altar is set up for witchy stuff and Ares exclusively. I give offerings of glass flowers, silk flowers, fresh flowers, popree, floral pantings, handmade purple bead bracelet, poems, hymns, singing, letters, drawings, paintings, libation. For libation I have done cherry pepsi and cherry dr pepper. Oh as well as water and lemon water. I've done other ones I cannot recall at the moment. I also have a red D6 set to the number three as it is a part of my UPG. Also, three altar cloths in honor of him. Red, purple, and green.

Before anyone reading this gets confused; keep in mind I am one whom believes Ares and Mars are the same man. Mars is an agurcultural deity. I also believe in the immaculate conception story of his birth by Hera alone. I like to appeal to his softer side. War is not the only thing he stands for. No deity is that two dimensional. I am a daughter appealing to her father in a soft, comforting, gentle way. "Come have a drink and rest your weary bones with me dear father."

Re: Disc: Devotion
Post # 8
I honor Sairys the ruler of air dragons I guess he's more like a lord than adeitie.

I honor him or air dragons by doing my dragon daily ritual where I light a dragon blood and just talk about my day and sometimes it feels like someone is with me the room by getting cold or warm or lighter.

Re: Disc: Devotion
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
I honor Nerthus, like a lot, she's 100/10 and decidedly not a meme, which I've always wanted to meet an entity/deity that was just a huge meme (and that almost got me into angels, because some angels know how to meme).

Memes aside, she likes drinks more than anything else. Lots of libations. Coffee, milk, water, beer, root beer, I've given Nerthus all kinds of stuff. I have my own little ritual when I pour one out, but writing coherent sentences is hard for me right now.

All in all, nice Woman, will literally drag you underground if she feels like it, don't piss her off.

Re: Disc: Devotion
By: / Novice
Post # 10
When I don't feel good or im down and I'm thinking I don't feel well enough to do my crap,I'll think a thought to Angrdoba. I'll hear back, I guess is a way to explain it, to work thru it get it done and I'll benefit from it and I'll get no where feeling sorry for myself any way. Honestly I'm not a disciplined person so the "tough attitude" isn't me,but I'll be darned if it doesn't get me up and moving. I usually feel a bit better and my mood will change and usually something else good accompanies it. Another way I have devotional work lift me up is I'll dance myself to happy,in a slight devotion to Surt and Sinmora ,that snaps me out of any funk I'm in. The dancing is also the only way I can reach A.S.C.... Ido like this thread guys it's neat to see personal relations with and for the Gods,everyones Gods...

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