The Broom Closet

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The Broom Closet
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

Hello you guys! This thread is about the pros of gettingoutand staying in" the broom closet ". For those who do not know, to be in" the broom closet " is to not assume publicly that you practice magick.

Well, The Pros of Getting Out are:

  • Oportunity to express yor practices by using charms, amulets, pentagons andpenticles, for exemple.
  • Be able toread books about magick andothersin public,without the need of feeling concerned aboutthemor hiding them.
  • Have the chance to build an altar for entities, deities and others, and also for magick work.
  • Find other people who also work with magick an discuss with them about common practices and studies.
  • Have no need to lie or keep secret about it.

Now, The Pros of Staying In :

  • Resguard yourself from the emotional and physical point of view.
  • Don't need to care about the risk of being rejected by family, friends or anyone.
  • Have more time to learn about magick before getting out of the closet.
  • Don't put your job in risk - if you are contracted as a babysiter for a very religious family, for example, could cause a negative reaction if you told them about your practices and beliefs.
  • Continue being treated normally by teachers/superiors or colleagues at scholl or college/work.
  • Avoid constrainments or fights in domestic enviroment.

Remember it can be hard for others to understand, as it is not common to them. You could try to get your friends and family together and use phrases like:

Lately, I have been studying about something called magick...

I think that magick is a good way to help me on my spiritual journey because...

There are some crazy stereotypes about it all around, but magick, actually, is...

I know you may be confused, but fell free to ask meanything you'd like...

Well, that is pretty much it, any questions, just ask. Thank you all for reading and I hope this threat helped! Blessings!

Credits to Gwinevere Rain, Ed.

-by AG-N!

Re: The Broom Closet
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

Thank you! Some of the words are together, sorry about it - console problems.

Re: The Broom Closet
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I like this. I've got half the family that's open and part I still lie too... Well omit the truth too...

Re: The Broom Closet
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

I am saddened for those who often feel they are forced to remain in the broom closet, so to speak. Sometimes life is complicated, and the opinions of others can sadly impact our quality of life. As you mentioned, for example, being open about your religion or spirituality these days can actually impact your chances of getting specific jobs. People can be awfully judgemental.

Thanks for the list :)

Re: The Broom Closet
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Yea, it's rough. I remember being a teeny bopper and trying to come out as a Neo-Wiccan. Family can be the biggest asses. Especially in the south or conservative areas of other contries. I like to be semi-out. Family knows I am spiritual, just not what kind. Friends know a lot of details, and strangers don't know butt.

Re: The Broom Closet
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
I myself cannot get out... Some people I trust enough to tell them, but almost none know. My family don't even imagine I am a Pansexual for example. My country, specially my town, is majority Catholic, so if you are different than their normal, you suffer...
Thanks I am open minded and I always try to help those who need, I help by teaching them to help themselves, someday you're gonna be alone, and you'll have no one to rely on besides yourself, I lived most of my life alone (with reason, dang I was a wimp!) and so I got used to it, but that also helped me on loving myself more and also learning to value each thing and it's beauty.
And that's why I made this post, to help you guys, and I hope I did :) (oh, and by the way, thanks for the feedback, it really made me happy!)

Re: The Broom Closet
Post # 7

I consider myself to be out but wise. What I mean is, I have an altar in my home as well as all my tools and supplies scattered around my home with a garden to boot and an herb drying station. So my husband knows and I am the queen of my castle. My home is my sanctuary and I am it's undisputed sole matriarchal ruler. All decisions of how things are used, where they go, how they are decorated, and if we should keep them are up to me as well as how our earnings are spent.

We do not have many visitors in my home as I am a massive misanthrope. So therein by, I hate everyone with few exceptions. Holy's mother and grandmother are not welcomed in my home as they are nothing but screaming tyranical biggoted disrespectful banshees. I see no point in announcing to them I am a pagan. They have enough reasons to hate me as is and I would like to keep the peace until we move very far away from them. I do not intend to burn a bridge until I am sure I no longer need to cross it anymore.

His father might be alright to tell but I am a little iffy since he is still a Christian Minister. But he seems pretty open minded, well informed, and overall a pretty reasonable guy. However, his wife is one of those, "evolution and dinosaurs are a myth because gawdddd!!" sorts of people. Facts and evidence mean nothing to her, she could care less. When we go to see his father, step mommy dearest is always around. Now don't get me wrong, she's actually a pretty nice person as well. But the amount of brain washed ignorance...I'm not sure how long it would take to inform her. More so, that is assuming she is willing to hear in the first place.

Not only can his dad and stepmom be pretty decent to spend time with, but we already see them so rarely. They are both much easier to get along with than his mother and grandmother. At least they are not full blown racists like them. They still have good hearts. But I wish not strain my husbands already infrequent relationship with them. More than that, I don't feel this constant urge welling up inside of me to grab a megaphone and shout, "I'M THE GAYEST PAGAN WHO EVER LIVED!! BOW TO MY GLITTER AND MAGICK BITCHES!! WITCH PRIDE! GAY PRIDE! EVERY KIND OF PRIDE!"

Like do you see how unreasonable and assinine that is? That is attention seeking special snowflake syndryome up the ass. Like yeah, your a pagan/witch or whatever. Maybe your in the LGBTQYZ...good for you. Being gay is a fact about you the same as your hair color. But it's not the core of your being. Same with being a witch/pagan. This is not something you need to forcefully insert into every single conversation just to show your not one of those filthy muggle normies. Do you have nothing else to talk about? No need to force an uncomfortable conversation or any uncomfortable situation onto others.

But at the same time, when my husband takes me to dinner I will speak openly. So let's say we're at Denny's at three in the morning...I'll break out a discussion of the elements and circle casting. I give no fucks, judge me drunkards and waitress. I neither know nor like you anyways. Let's say we're at Taco Bell at two in the afternoon, heck yeah I will start going on about shielding and candle magick. Nobody cares in these situations. I once got excited about the pillar candles I was buying and told my husband what I intended to use them for as we were checking out. The female cashier asked, "do you practice witchcraft?" I told her yes, she said she used to as well, we had a plesant conversation, the end.

But at the same time, I don't run up to strangers and grab them screming, "THE OCCULT! THE OCCULT!!" So not every random stranger I pass in the street knows because plenty of times when I am out with my man we're talking about anime, video games, or ya know...other subjects. It's a part of my life, not my whole life. The few friends I have spoken to irl know I am a practicing pagan of three years, the Gods I honor, etc. One of my former friends I told was a Buddhist.

So though I am proud of who I am, I also do not go out looking to pick fights. I am free, but not stupid or careless. I know how to pick my battles and those that are not worth fighting and where I stand nothing to gain. The jobs I worked could care less as we all wore standard uniforms. You were not allowed to wear rings because one of my jobs was food service. But you could have a necklace as long as it was short enough not to be caught in a machine and you kept it under your shirt. That's more just so you don't get gross crap splattered on it. So yeah, you could wear a cross or pentagra, Thor's hammer, or whatever you wanted.

Though I realize the world is not a fair place, it's also good to remember what is sacred to you is not everybody elses business. For all your employers know...they might think your star necklace is from World of Warcraft, your hammer is from Dungeons and Dragons, etc. They might not even bother saying something to you as they think it is just a fashion statement or accessory. It's easy to justify it that way as well.

More so, religion is covered under reasons why you are not allowed to discriminate. So if you ever think you have been treated unfairly or worse yet, terminated on those grounds, talk to HR or talk to the job board or even a lawyer. Some will only take a portion of your winnings rather than any money from you upfront and will take nothing unless they win. Honestly, you are at a job to make money to feed yourself and put a roof over your head. Not make friends and lollygag around. So if you keep things professional in the work enviroment, the situation is unlikely to come up.

Re: The Broom Closet
Post # 8

Oh, and I have one final thought on the matter. Before anyone thinks, "but those damn Christians talk about their religion all friggin' time!" This is where I sing the, "You're Wrong" song. You know how often in my years working, my spouses, or anyone I have ever known that this has happened? Yes, it does happen. But it is not common place. They are the exception, not the rule.

If you work in a pagan shop, talk about scrying all you want while you work! If you work at a church raise the roof and tell us all about Jesus! But if you work about Subway, I don't give a fuck who you are. Keep it to yourself. Nobody cares, that's not what your here for, get used to it. Make my sandwich, do your job, clock out, rinse and repeat. We're all the same. I had one lady when I was working at Walmart give me a church flyer because she thought I was such a lovely young lady she wanted me to come to her church. I could have been an asshole and told her, "I'm not a Christian, stfu!" But she was a sweet old lady and she meant well. So I took the flyer and thanked her for her kindness.

Another thing some of you might be thinking, "why should I be professional? Why is my religion so damn controversial!?!" Calm down, take a deep breath, and listen. People catch feels and get a case of the butthurts real easy like. So you might be thinking, "and why exactly should that be MY problem?" Because, you are employed there to make the business money. If you expressing your political views of Donald Trump for example makes rednecks, racists, and the like to boycott your store...

You are costing your store money. You can kiss your job goodbye buddy. It's all about the deniero my friend. Think like a savvy business person. You want to make that coin and so does the business. Yes, you want the racists money. Yes, you want the chauvinists money. And yes, you want the zealots money. No one is telling you to be anyones best friend or go have a beer with them after work. Just smile, do your job, and take the money. Do not cause or provoke an unecessary fight or scene that could have easily been avoided.

I guess this rant might be a bit long and sound like I'm against coming out or being proud or whatever but in reality, it's more about being wise. Just because something is sacred or special to you does not mean it is less special if not everybody knows. I just see some liberal progressive types pushing for more acceptance. Which is a double edged sword. You can't make everybody like you, that will never happen. People will have their own opinions, instead of seeking to change those who cannot be changed, find people who will accept you. Find subtle ways to feel connected. Not everything needs to be a big showy production.

Re: The Broom Closet
Post # 9

I would agree with Syren.

I also consider to be out but wise about it. I don't go around telling everyone I practice magick. I do tell them that I read cards because that's what I work on and I have an office in my home assigned for it.

People come in to my home and I read them the cards. It's plain simple. If they ask me if I do magick I will say yes or no according to the vibe of the person. If it's bad and that person asks that, I will say no. If it's good than I will say yes.


Because people that are bad will almost all the time ask to do bad stuff to others, which I don't do. I will never cast that kind of magick on another for no reason, let alone for other people.

However, close people do know. Some of my friends, my whole family and everyone here on SoM xD.

Re: The Broom Closet
Post # 10

Yes, exactly! Like if someone is coming into my home and my altar being in the living room and all...I will tell them, "that is my shrine, do not touch it, do not put things on it. If you do, you'll be out on your ass faster than you can say, 'hocus pocus'." At the point in which they enter my home, it becomes necessary. Don't touch my wand, don't touch my crystals, don't touch my herbs. If it looks even remotely touchy.

Another time I will bring it up is if a conversation forms organically. Like if we are talking about religion or politics, I will give my opinion and it will likely come up in a relevant context. Like think of the times when generic republican conservitive Christian canadate comes up. It's fine that he is Christian, I have no problem with that.

But remember that witchcraft is illegal in some states. So what if he is one of those crazies that wants to make it illegal here? At that point, I would protest against him, anytime someone talks about him I would pitch in my two cents as to why he is a zealot, etc. I will spread awareness, I will form a protest, I will start a petition, etc etc.

Another instance is when I went to a yard sale. I was looking at their candles, statues, and books. I had my husband ask the man if he had any prayer and spiritual books. I can craft prayers suited to my purpose so the ideas are useful for a base line. So the man walked up to me with the books from the back and a big smile on his face. He asked me what religion I am.

Since most people don't know techinal terms like Hellenic Polytheist or Hellene or Hellenist...I just said, "Greek Pagan". It's more direct and less likely to be misunderstood. He was telling me a lot of people get offended by religion and that is why he kept those books in the back. Apparently, I was the only one who asked for them. We just had a nice little conversation about it.

But you see, he asked, he expressed interest. This was not a one sided conversation. It's when it feels forced. Like when you bring something up, know it's making others uncomfortable, but you just keep on going. It's good to remember not everybody is made uncomfortable because they are a biggot but because they are ignorant. A lot of people think magick is fake. They are entitled to their opinion and they are not trying to stop you.

Atheists just don't want to talk about religion or magick. There are some that don't believe in Gods but do believe in magick of course. But the ones I have met believe it's all fake. And yet despite that, they are not trying to outlaw us practicing. They don't want it in public school or courts of law. But they don't want you fined or cuffed and thrown in the slammer for what you do in your own home/sacred places.

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