Wand Creation

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Wand Creation
Post # 1
I've seen alot of spells I've wanted to cast on here but i needed a wand to do so, so i went looking for an article on how to craft one but i can't find one. If anyone can give me the link to an article on it or forum already answering this, or just tell me how to and everything i need, I would be really grateful, thanks in advance.
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Re: Wand Creation
Post # 2

Here it is: -
http://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=12&coven=2 -
And here are also some basic rules to follow during wand creation: -
http://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=1833&coven=6 -

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Re: Wand Creation
By: / Novice
Post # 3
You don't need a wand. A wand directs energy, you could use an Athame, or if you don't have one, use your index finger on your dominant [writing] hand. If you want to make a wand you can, but I never use wands, I use my Athame [or my finger if I forgot my athame outside the circle] and the spell worked just as well. [When I'm doing kitchen witchery I direct energy with a spoon while stirring.] You just need to feel the energy leaving your hand and going towards the object [unless you're stirring something hot I would use my finger]

To make a wand find a branch of a tree about the length of your arm [different trees have different magickal properties you might want to research a bit] ask the tree to use a branch [I suggest meditating under the tree] then cut the branch and leave an offering [I usually pour a picture of water with some plant food inside, as well as hang a bird feeder I made] strip the bark off the branch, sand it down, decorate/design it however you feel [you can hang beads off it, paint it, attach a crystal] finally consecrated it [however your path sees fit, a simple one is to sprinkle some sea salt water on it, charge with energy, pass it through some incense smoke, then leave it on your altar overnight to be blessed] now your wand is ready to use. Store it with your tools and make sure it doesn't get damaged.
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Re: Wand Creation
Post # 4
The magic wand or rod is a very important tool to any magic caster and can be used for multiple purposes. There are many ways to build a wand, and many woods to choose from. Being I do not know how you want to build a wand I will give several methods on how to do so.

The wand should be made of hazel. you should make it 19 and a half inches long. It should be cut with a single stroke with the magic knife at sunrise so that it captures the reborn sun's energy. The magic knife used to cut the branch stained with blood so that the energy of life will flow into it. Then, the spell caster must pray to Adonai, Elohim, Ariel, and Jehovah to give the wand the power of the rods of Jacob, Moses, and Joshua, the strength of Samson, the righteous wrath of Emmanuel, and the thunder of the powerful and great Zariatnatmik. Pointed steal caps should then be fixed on the two ends of the hazel rod and magnetized with a lodestone. Then, the spell caster commands the rod to by the names of Adonai, Elohim, Ariel, and Jehovah to obey his or her will.


Go out and find a wand. When. There is no need to cut it. The wand need not be new, but can be old and used by other spell casters in the past. How will you know when you have found the right wand. You will know. It should seem familiar to you, like you use to own it long ago. Once you find the wand then you mark it with the first letter in your name in the witches alphabet and cast a spell of binding on it. Then it will sever you.


But out of the two above I would recommend this way. Go out into the woods and find a dead dry stick. The stick should be a good weight, length, and shape that fits your hand almost as it had been made for you. Then, carefully remove the outside layer of bark. Be carful so you do not nick the inner wood, or your self then sand paper the stick down. Wile you are doing this you can be chanting something like, "Blessed by my wand. May it serve me forever or something like that. Once this is done oil it in olive oil to bring peace and harmony between you and it. Then, mark it with a rune or symbol that has meaning to you. If you wish you can attach crystals and stones to the wand to give it some extra power. The best time to make a wand is around the new or full moon. Well, that's all I have to say on wands at the moment. I hope you enjoyed,



The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish

Witches All by Elizabeth Pepper and John Wilcock

Personal experiences

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Re: Wand Creation
By: / Beginner
Post # 5

Well, a lot of these seem really intricate and specific. My wand is really simple and nothing like that.

I don't believe it needs to be from a specific type of tree (you can, but it's not mandatory). Or have anything for that matter.

My wand is simple. It's a branch of a tree I found lying on the floor, with a length I found suitable, not too long or too short either. It has a quartz point attached to it with some thin wire. That's it. Nothing more. No special tree, no special crystal, no thousands of crystals attached.

I'm making a simple wand made of driftwood which won't have anything attached to it, and I don't think it will be less of a wand.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Wand Creation
Post # 6
That is true, you do not need to go through fancy methods to make a wand. It's just I like to do it in fancy ways. It makes me feel like there is more power in the wand. But that's just me. You also should listen to wiccanery, as she made some good points on wand making as well.
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