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Post # 1
Get into a comfortable position, and relax. Relax your body into that position. Feel your body. Feel your heart beating. Feel your muscles relax, and your blood flowing, your body digesting it's meals, your breathing.

Feel your mind, your process of thinking, your mind storing information and your mind sending it through the body, your mind storing and processing information.

Feel your emotions. The pain, the beauty and everything in between. Allow them to come up. Allow them to come up and get emotional. Then, breathe to calm.

Lastly, feel where you know your inner knowledge resides. This can be anywhere within the body. Feel the vibration, the subtle vibration of your soul, not the heart. Feel the vibration pulse, tingle and get larger. Feel it's strong connection to your physical self. It IS you. Feel it branch out and connect to everything in existence even spirits. They're a part of you. Breathe deep into your soul and connections. Feel each emotion. And, this time do not feel overwhelmed. This is how you shall control your Clair Sentience or Clear feeling.
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Re: Meditation
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Neat. This is just one of many forms of meditation. Just remember the key is to relax and let your thoughts flow. Yes, you should 'check in' with yourself regularly, but when meditating you should let your thoughts flow past, and not dwell on them. The point is not to 'shut off' all thoughts. Sometimes that happens, other times you'll have a song stuck in your head, or your mind will chatter away with the days events.
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