I need help!

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I need help!
Post # 1
So I started reading about wicca since I was 12 and I turned 13 not long ago and I wanted to tell my parents about my interest in this buy my mom is alright with me trying new things and my dad would plain down reject it. Since my uncles and aunts follow a religion and we do not I wanted to try but he would just reject it what do I do?
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Re: I need help!
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
This is a hard one. You can tell your father but he could hate you or love you for who you are. Some people would wait till their 18 to tell their famliy and friends, but the good thing is that you mom knows, but many people will tell you different answers to your question.
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Re: I need help!
By: / Novice
Post # 3
well legally you need your parents permission if you are under 18. i would wait of the right moment, then sit them down and ask both of them to hear you out right to the end. calmly explain what Wicca is and what you beleive as well as why you came to this conclusion. providing various reading material and links to websites can help. if you can tell a fight is starting, calmly say you're walking away and will ask again when your parents have a chance to read the material you gave them. wait a week or two until things calmed down, and ask what they feel. if they say no, agree and drop the subject.

once you're 18 however, you can come back to Wicca and they can't legally stop you [though you might want to of moved out by then because they could kick you out] there are various topics you can study which work with magickal purposes as well as non-magickal, such as gardening, cooking, sewing, collecting rocks/crystals, herbalism, and astrology.
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