spells and alters

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spells and alters
Post # 1
I'm new at this I'm 46 and my family doesn't know I'm don't spells so I lack ingredients to do my spell and alter. I heard you don't always need to have items needed for spells just need to have the energy and beliefs is that try true and does that also go for an alternative as well?
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Re: spells and alters
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well a spell could be a chant, or it could be an elaborate spell with many items taking a week or more to cast, but it all comes from the same place. The more items, moon phase, and amount of times you cast it can help the spell, but all spells use the same energy, if you feel you've directed enough energy then you cast the spell correctly.

Before you cast you should work with the energy so you know how it feels and flows. The energy that is magick is a neural energy found naturally all around us. As we go through the day and interact with others, this energy clings to us with a positive or negative charge, so daily grounding of the energy is also a good idea. Try meditating, feel the energy enter when you breath in, and exit when you breathe out. There are many ways to charge and ground energy, so look into it further for yourself to find the best method for you.

Regarding your altar, an altar is just a table that holds your ritual tools. I have used a coffee table, a small filling cabinet, and a box in the past. People have also placed their items on the floor, on rocks, or stumps, and called them an altar. Again, whatever works for you [I currently don't have room for an altar but I have my incense holder and an offering dish on my east windowsill] find what works for you.

Since your family doesn't know, you could talk to them, or just do your circles outside somewhere. In terms of tools, you really don't need any, but you could buy/make most of them. My first tool was my Athame [black handled knife used to direct and cut energy] but you could use a wand or your finger. It's the connection, not the tools, that matter.
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