Meditation & negative

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Meditation & negative
Post # 1
I have been meditating for some time now. But I have a few questions about negative people and their negative comments. I just can't seem to shake them off me! So I guess my question is how do I keep my thoughts clear of these negative comments and very much unwanted negative thoughts? It seems like everyone has lost their minds around here. And it's making nuts! I feel as if I may have brought some of it upon myself by being honest with others. My honesty was never meant to hurt anyone. But that's what happened!
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Re: Meditation & negative
Post # 2

Ever heard of being too honest? I don't mean to be offensive but it's the truth.
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Re: Meditation & negative
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Try to take a moment to learn from the experience. Even when hurting or offending people isn't our intent, it's still sometimes the result. So take a deep breath and look at the situation and try to discern how not to contribute to it happening again. Having done that you can then affirm that this is an issue of the past and not something you should continually drag into your future with you. I actually used to have this exact problem a lot, and when the "voices" of guilt or embarrassment or criticism would rise up on my mind, I'd mentally say a big loud "NO" as if I were interrupting someone (which I suppose I kind of was) and then affirm that I'm not stupid / careless / whatever it was this time, and then I would draw a banishing pentagram and use it to send away the negative thought.

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Re: Meditation & negative
Post # 4

This people are jealous on you.You must be proud,you are more better then them.Maybe a banishing spell will work.However try to avoid them or just laugh at them.
Treat them with superiority.

"7 things negative people will do to you. They will...

1. Demean your value;
2. Destroy your image
3. Drive you crazily!
4. Dispose your dreams!
5. Discredit your imagination!
6. Deframe your abilities and
7. Disbelieve your opinions! Stay away from negative people!"
Israelmore Ayivor

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Re: Meditation & negative
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I can relate, sometimes I can shake things off, other times I can't. It comes down to the person and the situation. I keep a journal. I write my thoughts in it, but when someone does something to make me smile or make me mad/sad, I write it down. It's like venting without venting to people. Can be very therapeutic.

Look into meditation, grounding, shielding, and cleansing. It gets rid of negative energy, let things go, and protects you from a build up weighing you down. Sometimes physical cleanses are a good idea. Like with a break up, objects carry memories, sometimes you need to remove objects to help you forget the memory. Also, people can be poisonous to you, they might not realize, or perhaps they enjoy the misery [there are people who love hearing about others suffering] you don't need people like this. It's sad, but you might consider moving on. You will be better for it.

What exactly are the comments you can't shake? Perhaps you might benifit from self help books, affirmation, or speaking with a youth councillor to help you move past these things.
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