Elemental Control

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Re: Elemental Control
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 61
Please read what I just wrote.
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Re: Elemental Control
Post # 62
Wow if only more people would read this 1 specific post.. I wish I knew this when I first started out.. People should totally send this link around..
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Re: Elemental Control
Post # 63
Im not going to concentrate on one element I simply want to know because its fun to know RedChiron.
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Re: Elemental Control
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 64
"Im not going to concentrate on one element I simply want to know because its fun to know RedChiron."

I applaud you! :D

Your astrology usually is a pretty good place to look for elemental leanings in a person, but there are two important things to realize about this;

1 - It is way more than your sun sign. I'm talking about your whole natal chart, where over a dozen planets and comets and points were at the moment you were born, where you were born.

2 - More is not better. Having a lot of Water in your chart doesn't necessarily mean you'll actually be any good with Water. If it is ill-dignified it would likely mean the opposite - that you're an unbalanced wreck at the mercy of your own Water.

I can totally give you your astrological-elemental info if you can provide me with your date of birth and your approximate time and location of birth. Just mail it to me if you want.
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Re: Elemental Control
Post # 65

I don't think control,but i think you might be able to work with them.Mine is Fire,which i have mixed emotions abouts,it is powerfull,but uncomfortable and instead i wish i was born under the water element.

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Re: Elemental Control
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 66
No one is "born under the water element" because no one is born under any element. An individual often has a predisposition toward certain elements, but that's not some blessing to be born under. It's not even an indicator of your potential or ability - it is literally nothing but your starting point, and I will point out that there are few better ways to retard growth than obsessing over what is old and past.

Though you are correct in that calling it "control" would be a misnomer. You can manipulate and work with an element to create certain changes (invoking air to pass a test, for example), and you can balance your own internal elements, but I still wouldn't exactly call it controlling them. I would in fact tend to assume that dominating and actively controlling your internal elements would be very bad and produce great unbalance, not completely unlike if you now controled your body's autonomic systems with your conscious mind.
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Re: Elemental Control
Post # 67

Here it is broken down,for interest's sake,a star sign,mixed with a birth year equals a certain element you are born under.Yes,i used the words born under.Which i correct.As we are not allowed to post links,a quick look at google 'Astrological sign" proofs this fact.Being born under a certain element doesn't grant you special abilities,but does impact your personality.It is also known that a balance is needed in your chakra gates to be healthy,and that an unbalance could cause disruptions or illness.

We cannot control energies,we can work with them,but in reality our bodies will always be too fragile to control a energy of that level.We as people like knowledge thats why it's obvious that we would like to know what element we are born under.Its The same as knowing which zodiac animal you are born under.The western and asian astrological signs and their relevant element you belong to can be found by researching Zodiac Symbolism.

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Re: Elemental Control
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 68
"a star sign,mixed with a birth year equals a certain element you are born under."

Under what system, exactly? Based on the fact on the fact that you later reference "western and asian astrological signs" I assume you mean your Western Sun sign and your Chinese Year. Why just those? Your Sun sign isn't even your most important feature in Western astrology.

In both of those systems you have multiple signs. In the West I am Sun and Venus in Aries, Moon in Virgo, Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius, and a lot of other things, all ruled by Jupiter in Pisces. In the East I am a Tiger, a Monkey, and two Cats/Rabbits.

"Being born under a certain element doesn't grant you special abilities,but does impact your personality."

Not "a certain sign." Born your date, time, and location. It is also your health and karma, not merely your personality.

Just to be clear, when you take your first degree in the O.T.O. you are encouraged to choose a magical discipline or study to begin specializing in and studying more heavily. I chose astrology. My Mercury and my Uranus are also aspecting one another in Pisces and Sagittarius respectively and so I can assure you that astrology is one place where you needn't break things down for me.
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Re: Elemental Control
Post # 69

"Why just those?" was an easily understandable example.Both Asian and western beliefs have their own signs and elements.Meaning that if they want to find their western element then the would check western sources,If they want to find their asian element the would look at asian sources.It is true that there are many more systems they could look at,tons infact.But the core has been reached to the fact that you can be born under an element,after all it is just another system out of hundreds.She could also have asked which planet she was born under,which would povoke the same reaction,different planets depending on the systems.Different systems have different beliefs,different beliefs have different views.

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Re: Elemental Control
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 70
"Both Asian and western beliefs have their own signs and elements.Meaning that if they want to find their western element then the would check western sources,If they want to find their asian element the would look at asian sources."

That was not what I meant. Why are you paying attention to only one little scrap of each instead of, say, your entire Western astrology or your entire Eastern astrology?

"Different systems have different beliefs,different beliefs have different views."

There are no astrological systems which espouse the paying attention to only one planet or sign to the exclusion of all else.

Going back to the original topic of elements, I pointed out earlier that the dignity of the elements is important. For example having a bunch of ill-dignified water would make you worse with water workings than no significant water in your chart at all. This means that if you wish to glean any sort of elemental understanding from astrology you must understand it!! You can't just grab a fist-full of two astrological systems you don't know, slap them together, and expect what you end up with to make any sense.

If the non-Sun planets and points and houses weren't important we wouldn't use them.
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