will my cat still follow

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Re: will my cat still fol
By: / Novice
Post # 4
If both the cat ghost and the bad ghost follow you, then...it'll be just like your old home!

Nah, seriously--by the same way that you can communicate with and be nice with the cat ghost...you can be really rude to the bad ghost. Naturally, the one that you're not rude to will want to stick around.
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 5
Okay so last question which summoming spell works and if I try to communicate willbad spirits try to ccommunicate too

Thnx for all the help too ^^
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 6
When you move and you feel that your cat didn't follow you, do a summoning spell. I have one that has worked really well for me, or just look it up. I recommend charging all spells you do just in case.
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 7
What do you mean charging sorry im still kind of new to magic -_-'
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Re: will my cat still follow
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Regarding your cats spirit, I do believe you as many of my departed pets have lingered after death. I cannot say for certain what will happen with your cat. It might be hanging around the house, but it could follow you if its strong enough. My cat was hit outside the house, I moved a year later, and his spirit did not follow. I return to the old house on occasion and I sometimes sense him but not as much now. My dog died on the same property as my cat, but he has followed me through a couple moves. He crossed over about 10 years ago. You might have to consider if your pet is stuck between worlds helping him pass on. I didn't help my dog, he went when he was ready, but sometimes spirits cling to the life they once knew.

In my moves I have invited the spirits who live in the old house to join me in the new house, and try to leave somewhat of an energy trail for them to follow. Again, its their choice. I don't know about an animal spirit, you could try setting up a type of alter for him, with a photo, candle, and some of his favourite treats placed by an open window. Careful not to attract any living animals though.
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 9
The cat may be sticking around to protect you from the bad spirit. I'd normally tell you to do a cleansing, but I'm not sure if the cat spirit would stick around. I've been doing wand research lately though, and a bamboo stick may work, to get the bad one out but keep the cat. I've read that waving a long bamboo stick will cleanse your home of evil, so you may want to try that. Other than that, yes animals have souls and yes sometimes they stick around.
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 10
Okay thnx guys
And sorry to hear about ut cat and dog dying
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Re: will my cat still follow
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
This is not a stupid or crazy question. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
I lost my Seven back in 2012. I feel and see him with and around me all the time. So I say yes they stay with you. So as for believing you I do 100%. My Seven use to sleep on my head after he passed my little girl cat took that over for about a month or so. I noticed he was back with me. How do I know it was him well first he was my familiar second I had him for 14 years.
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 12
Im sorry about your cat but I also cant sleep downstairs because I feel a dark energy down there
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 13
Yes, be friendly. And about that other ghost. Don't banish it you'll banish your cat.
My cat midnight's ghost/spirit follows me around.
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