hearing whispers at night

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hearing whispers at night
Post # 1
for the past month or so when i settle down to sleep i hear jumbled incessant whispering. it always sounds like its right next to my ear. i can never pick out what they're saying im not even sure its English. it all started when i saw a vision of bloodied hospital curtains around my bed accompanied by the same whispering but stronger. since then it hasnt stopped but its quieter and i havent seen anymore visions.
i have never been a very clairvoyant person, i havent seen spirits before aside from the passing shadow out of the corner of my eye now and then, and i havent been one to "hear things" either.

i would like an explanation of what this could be and maybe ways to stop it? i am not very well equipped for any fancy spells since most of the spells i practice are luck boosting ones
thankyou for taking the time to read!
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Re: hearing whispers at night
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I'm not sure as to what it could be exactly,but it doesn't seem to be helpful or prophetic.
Try a banishing spell.Its best to write your own.
Incorporate sage,blessed water,anything that represents protection.
Good luck.
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Re: hearing whispers at night
Post # 3
I suggest you get checked out by a doctor.
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Re: hearing whispers at night
Post # 4
XD smily face :( :o -_- ;p
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Re: hearing whispers at night
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Happens to me sometimes. Myself when they talk really fast I can only pick out a couple words. I normally have to tel them to ve quiet. If they persist that's when Rori [spirit who lives with me] steps in. Most of the time its quiet, it usually happens when its near Beltane or Samhain.

It could be spirits but don't rule out an ear issue, or other people talking and the sound traveling through the vents [that use to happen with me in my old room] hearing 'whispers' before falling asleep is a sign of a hearing problem [I forget what its called] so check with your doctor to be safe.
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Re: hearing whispers at night
Post # 6
hmm. I don't really know! All i can say is try a protection spell or sprinkle sea salt near entrances. Has they're been a tragic experience? because you send you saw hospital curtains with blood.
please let me know how you make out! best of luck!
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