No Subject

CovenSpell Casters ► No Subject

No Subject
Post # 1
The title says it all.
For quite some months I feel like something out there is watching me.I don't feel neither good or bad, it has a neutral feel.I also think about a certain god all the time.Actually, the thoughts are making their way to me, it's not me.Also, these thoughts are so persistent, that I only managed to get over them once through meditation.The thoughts might become ridiculous sometimes too(still they aren't funnyThey make me even blush sometimes and, before you think anything else,these thoughts are NOT dirty,, they are stupidly uncomfortable)
Is there any possibility that this god is testing me and/or watches over me?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
Oops I forgot to put a title to it...
It's title is I feel I am being watched
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
Oops I forgot to put a title to it...
It's title is I feel I am being watched
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
Sounds like energy you have invoked and not released fully in the past. This is quite common for magickal practitioners to experience after a certain amount of time
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Re: No Subject
Post # 5
its also quite possible that you do indeed have something watching you. As long as it does not feel evil or hostile towards you I would think there is nothing to worry about.

Did you every consider that maybe these thoughts you are having is the means the entity is trying to communicate with you?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 6
Well,I also thought of it trying to communicate with me but these thoughts were kind of...
Anyway any other suggestions?
Also another question: should I use an ouija board?
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Re: No Subject
Post # 7
Oh my word no! Ouiji boards do more harm than anything
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Re: No Subject
Post # 8
Only if you dont know how to use one properly.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 9
Any other opinions about this?
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Re: No Subject
By: / Novice
Post # 10
well while Ouija Boards aren't evil, if you don't know what you're doing, you can get in trouble. plus if this is an entity wishing you harm, i would avoid the Board completely. you could try meditating, skrying, or pendulum work. i have been told some people use tarot or runes to communicate, but i don;t know how that would work. you could also try meditating, ask a question, and see if you get a response. it's not always verbal, sometimes its a feeling, or a noise.
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