spirit haunting help

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spirit haunting help
Post # 1
my freind is having minor problems wih what i think is a spirit.
last night he heard it wisper his name.
in about march, he felt what he thought was it strangling him.
and its wisperd things before.he cant remember what.

and i dont know if its any connection, but once, in a metal cd store, he felt spirit preasure, nausea, and once he left, he was fine (about 5 min)

besides a seance how can he get rid of it?
i was hoping just having crystals would help, is it that simple?

its been w him for about a year, and a woman he knew told him it was bad energy that she didnt think was meant to be directed toward him.

thx for taking the time to read this and for the help.
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Re: spirit haunting help
Post # 2
hmm...try if it is a spirit why not try to contact is and see why it is bothering your friend(Ouija board-may be dangerous)

Be careful =]
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Re: spirit haunting help
Post # 3
try to stay away from the witch boards, just either use bound white sage, or if you can obtain some, holy water. If this energy is negative, and causes your friend pain (in any form, mentally, physically, or spiritually) then you shouldn't try to communicate with it, as it could lash out. If you have clear quartz crystals, then they should help. Your best bet, is to use sage, or holy water, or a banishing ritual.

Sage- Burn and waft into every corner or the house, with all windows and doors open. You can pray or just tell it to leave, but when you do it, do it with stern conviction.

Holy Water- (I'm sure you've seen the exorcist) Lightly spritz the holy water on every doorway, windowsill, and the 4 corners of each room. Pray and command the spirit to leave
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Re: spirit haunting help
Post # 4
lol good reply Silver I wasnt sure about writing down the board as I know its a bad method....dangerous...:)

I didnt know what else to write ...so....
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Re: spirit haunting help
Post # 5
hun, it's alright. I've been doing this for 9 years steady (since i was 5 off and on and total of 15 years all together), and still I forget things that I've learned occasionally. Then I gotta go back and study up a little and call it a day when I've not only relearned what I had forgotten, but learned something new as well. Life is about learning, and trying to live your own life to the fullest you can. I do appreciate the idea you had though. If ya ever need anyone to talk to guys and gals, pm me and let me know. I'm more then glad to help if i can.
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