Do Wiccans Go to Hell?

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Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 21

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 22
Personally, I believe that Wiccans do NOT go to hell, as we do not believe in Satan. However, People are open to opinions. It really depends on what YOU think and choose to believe in :) Blessed be )0(

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
Post # 23
Im a catholic and do witch craft will I go to hell??????

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 24

As has already been stated, that is up to your belief system and how literally you take the wording of the Bible, I know many witches who practice and are Catholic and don't believe they will go to hell.

it all depends on what you believe.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
By: / Novice
Post # 25
Kenia33, you could of started your own topic, or just read the 3 pages of responses that said no. but to answer your question:

Wicca is an earth based religion that believes in reincarnation. there is no heaven or hell, it's just a cycle of life, death and rebirth. Witchcraft is the craft of the wise, it is an ancient practice with no religious connection at its roots. people tend to incorporate spirituality into it, but it is not at its core a religion. it is a craft. [and some don't even cast spells] so witchcraft also has no heaven or hell.

now, most people combine witchcraft with religion and that's fine [it gets a little argumentative when combining two polar opposites like Christianity and Wicca but you can do it] if you wish to practice Christianity/Catholicism and witchcraft that's fine. you need to do some self reflection and determine for yourself what you consider morally right and wrong [you might also wish to speak with your priest, but they have a strong 'no witch' stance so i would follow your own judgement]

so from a pure biblical standpoint you cannot be a witch and a christian, however the two can be combined [look into Christian Witches] so ask yourself if this is right, why or why not, and what you feel is morally wrong. this is your spirituality, so while you can research others views and opinions, we cannot shape your faith.

Re: Do Wiccans Go to Hell?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 26

As has been said many times in this thread, the concept of Hell is a Christian one. Wiccans do not believe in the existence of Hell or any other place of eternal torment.

The majority of Wiccans ascribe to the idea of reincarnation. We believe that after we die we go to a place where the soul can rest and contemplate the lessons learned in this life. We are then reborn again here on this earth.

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