A couple questions

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A couple questions
Post # 1
I have a couple questions that I hope you don't bother answering these, but here they are.
How exactly does magick work?
How do you feel your energy?
And how do you put that energy to use? I have cast a few spells with some effect shown, but next time I cast it it fails.So to avoid that I would like to learn more.
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Re: A couple questions
Post # 2

How exactly does magick work?

That depends on who you ask and what beliefs that person has. For example, a Christian Witch might say that God is what makes magic work while a scientific witch might say that science causes the reactions that we call magic.

How do you feel your energy?

There are many different techniques for this however I personally use my heart beat, pulse and that "tingly" feeling you get when your foot falls asleep to feel my energy. As my heart beats it send out energy through my veins with every pulse and this gives me that "tingly" feeling.

And how do you put that energy to use?

The most common form that I hear are spells. Spells are basically a pathway you are creating for your energy to follow and then lead to a specific outcome. If your spells are failing then I hate to repeat what is always said but...

  1. Have you practiced the basics?
  2. Do you fully believe in magic?
  3. Do you fully believe in yourself?
  4. Have you practiced these spells over and over again or do you just expect instant results?
  5. Have you given the spell time to manifest?
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Re: A couple questions
Post # 3
Thank you I really appreciate you making that post, I find it helpful.
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