Question about a spell..

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Re: Question about a spell..
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
As when it comes to the question why the site does not stop them i would say that as long as you are in concil position or highter position you can appload spells .You can rate spells ,however everyone will rate them according their own understanding ,opinion and personality .For example fluffy will rate five stars almost any fantasy spell ,and most serious practicioners will persist they are removed as being pure fantasy .As the opinons and level of understanding varies so does the rating and the actions which need to be taken for or against them .And for you such spell being harmfull or dark for me simply does not make much of logical sense when compared with the reality that surrounds us and my way i perceive it .
My advice to you is simply research on the topic and have your own opinion ,rather than trusting what you have been told by others blindly ,for everyone can be bias in his opinions and this opinion will vary according their skills and knowledge .
Nature and Divine gave you will and understanding ,you choose what is good and what is bad for you and nobody elses can change that except if you do not let them .Everyone has different morals too and different moral code to fallow ,but after all we all will face the music of our actions in one or another way .
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Re: Question about a spell..
Post # 12

firstly Magick has no colour it's the candle /balloon/ribbon etc we use that represents' the colour. No-one can tell you what is right or wrong for yourself. There's also no right or wrong way in witchcraft. What I can say in my opinion it's not a good idea to summon anything. When we summon a spirit it's like me dragging you out of bed at 3am, by your back teeth, while your sleeping. I don't summon sprites at all! I ask them to join me & thank them for there help, as it's respectfully. I hope this helps

Blessed be!

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Re: Question about a spell..
Post # 13
Basically what other people said above: follow your own morals. My advice also would be that if you have doubts about performing such a spell (and summing anything can be quite a spell), then don't do it.
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