Sensing issues.. help!!

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Sensing issues.. help!!
Post # 1
I just don't know what to do anymore and it is driving me nuts. They are times my headache goes like a light switch having odd vibes like there is something up. Especially this week I got it again since Monday. My tarot readings in two of my android apps is so weird and bad at the same time knowing someone is trying to warn me but don't know.

How can I control it cause I'm totally sensitive when it comes to sensing energy and vibes.. Negative energies makes it worse cause i get sick.
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Re: Sensing issues.. help!!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
well i wouldn't trust an android app. for headaches, you could look into licorice [real not candy] , ginger, and dandelion. if it's an energy problem, when your third eye chakra is blocked it can cause headaches. work on your chakra's, your natural flow of energy in your body is off it could be causing the headaches, it could also help you sense energy better.
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Re: Sensing issues.. help!!
Post # 3
Never heard of the third eye.... interesting.
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Re: Sensing issues.. help!!
Post # 4

You need to learn to mediate it will help alot. start with breathing then do as the other person mention of chakras. Start with the root and work your way up. Look into more studies of chakras and meditation. I wish you luck!

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