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Re: Runecasting
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
Nice post vanity!

My style of casting is on a cloth. I take all runes into both of my hands cupped. I focus on the person or situation, and when I feel it is time, I cast them onto the cloth. I remove the ones that are facing down, leaving only those that are face up. Then I read them like a story from bottom (closest to me) to top, the bottom describes the past influences of the situation, the middle describes the present and the higher they go, the more unknown details and insight is given, with the highest (farthest) being the outcome if the other runes are taken into account. Grouped runes, I read together. Sometimes the runes will create a very obvious split off into two "roads" and when there is a very predominant split like this, I interpret this as two possible paths the situation or person may follow and read it accordingly. Any stray runes that fall inbetween the two roads, I interpret as absolute influences regardless of choices made. I really never read this style, after reading the runes now for 13 years, I've devoloped my own way and its always been very accurate.

I have read of the ways you've described. But I've personally found that the runes explain more the less complicated the casting of them are. They don't like restraint =p

For smaller situations, or advice, I will just meditate and pick one or three from my bag with my eyes closed, feeling for the ones that "call" to me. If two stick to my fingers instead of one, I will draw both out.

I've noticed one very big difference between rune casters and tarot readers. Rune casters tend to be mediums and even when they talk it is like someone else is speaking through them. I've experienced the same sense of not being alone when reading the runes. I feel they are very much "alive" because of my observations and experiences surrounding them. I find it very interesting that you feel they intertwine with univeral energies. I can completely agree, and I believe experienced rune casters channel this energy when they cast.
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Re: Runecasting
By: / Novice
Post # 12
One thing I like about tarot, the hanging man.
Allfar. Odin. What was it again. He hanged 3 or 9 or something days upside down from a tree to learn about Tha power and magick of the runes.
When I do use something to read. I mostly use tarot. Tho I don't look at the numbers or names to much. But I look at the detailed picture. And there is many time a card I have drawn many times shows me something new.

But if there is something that don't is quite clear, I draw runes combinded with the cards for a more detailed and not so 'lucid answare'

Tho it's not regarding casting I mostly use runes. For that I use other ways mostly.
I mostly use runes combinded with galdr and so on.
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Re: Runecasting
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13

Thank you all for your appreciation and inputs.

Though I'd like to make a point in concerns of murkstave. Even though there are runes that runes that are practically the same no matter how much you twist and turn them, they all all in the same position. You can turn a rune such as Algiz or Othala to look like it's inverted/upside-down, but I don't see this as being an inverted or reversed rune. With tarot you have can have an upside-down card and it will be the reversed meaning. Like I said, I don't see this as some thing that can apply to runes. This is why I believe that the rune that has been cast has to be literally upside-down to where the rune is facing down and not up to be a technical reverse/invert/murkstave rune. But as I said in my main post whether you use these murkstaves in your runic readings is solely up to the runecaster his/her self.

Take for instance the Aegishjalmur bindrune. There are multiple runes that in the bind are turned upside-down to make the symbol, yet they don't take upon the effects of being a reversed rune. You see the in many bindrunes, especially complex ones. I have even come up with my own bindrunes in this sense that still don't take upon a reversed meaning.

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Re: Runecasting
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 14
Since I've done this post on runecasting I thought I'd go ahead and post a a couple other uses for rune workings.

This is a briefly teaching on a form of Norse magick called Galdr. In short Galdr is the use of runes through incantation. To use the runes, you can either speak the name of the runes or sing them. Singing the runes is stronger. When you sing the runes you vibrate the names. This is done by elongating the pronunciation of the words, particularly in concerns of the vowels.

Eihwaz -"ay-wawz" : for protection Uruz -"ooo-rooze" : for energy
Algiz -"all-yeese" : for protection.
I name specific meanings of these 3 runes, but these are not the only uses/meanings of them.

For example: u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u r r r r r r u u u u u u u u u z z z z z z

After the incantation of each each, you will state what you want the runes to do for you. For you the purposes are already given. So there is no problem there. Incantate the names and state their purposes such as:
"u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u r r r r r r u u u u u u u u u z z z z z z, give me energy for my practice"
Or "A a a a a a a a a l l l g g g I I I I I I I I I z z z, protect me throughout my day."
Though it is not necessary to be so brief. Do the stating of the purpose however you wish to do so, long or short, but make sure that you sufficiently state your purpose for the working.

Now, keep in mind that each rune has a Galdr chant. Since I am using specific runes as examples, I'll exemplify one for this. Uruz:
"uruz uruz uruz
u u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u r r r r r r
u u u u u u u u u"

Another method to the incantation of the runes is, basically, by the singing of the letters alone. As an example when using Algiz and Uruz you would sing:
"Aaaaaaazzzzzzz" then carry on with your working.

The above can be done be done for single rune, multiple individual runes, or bindrunes.

Bindrunes are compilation runes of two or more runes into one compound rune. Some bindrunes are rather complex, simply because as well as multiple runes being used each rune is implicated multiple times. To make a bindrune is to put together the runes where the lines will properly fit by lining up. It is beneficial to use runes with similar purposes for your needs/want/will/purpose. Runes that correspond for the intent.

This next method is for getting your self acquainted with each rune individually.

This process carries over through multiple consecutive days. Actual number of days may vary by the set of runes you pick.

Start by choosing a set of runes you wish to work with - such as the Elder Futhark. You may get an actual set of runes such of rune stones (for example). Choose a rune to start working with. If you want you can choose them alphabetically, but any specific order is not necessary; so, do what you feel most comfortable with.

*Once you have chosen the first rune, study it's meaning and familiarize your self with how the rune symbol is drawn and the meaning. If you want you can draw the symbol repeatedly to help memorize it write as much of it's meaning as you can remember after some time has past after studying. At night when you lay down to sleep in your mind draw the symbol repeatedly and seeing it being drawn with your mind's eye. At the same time you are mentally drawing the sybol mentally chant its name each time you draw the symbol. You can place the specific rune (stone) you are working with under your pillow. Do this until you fall asleep or you feel that you need not continue. If you do not want to do this when you are laying down to sleep you can use the same drawing and chant process while meditating; holding the rune stone in your hand(s) if you will be using physical runes.*

* * Repeat this process with another rune each day until you have worked your way through each rune. It however is not necessary to work with a rune for only one day. You can work with a rune for however long you feel you must as long as you work with each rune at least for one day.

Durining your sleep you may experience some vivid and rather interesting dreams in which the rune you just worked with appears in your dream.

Keep in mind that these are older documents/posts I have made elsewhere, but with some slight edits. Just thought I'd share and see what your thoughts and opinions are.
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Re: Runecasting
By: / Novice
Post # 15
Regarding galdr i'v have a wish to learn islandic. Tho there is manny things one have to do and wish for. So il have to se when/if and so on.
I do however alreddy work with sound. And supose some of them might be conected to galdr.
At some parts the 'chanting' when I work with it is channeled from guides. And other time from 'soul memory' or highter self or what one would use as term.

One of the books that followed on one of the rune sett I got it had reversed (upside down) interpitationce.
Tho that book was focused mainly on situation regarding life and self envolving.
But with a bitt of knowlege about runes and how to read what it says most would probaly be able to interpit into any 'question'

Come to think about it. Think I will bring runes when I go to look at the Viking graves one of the days. There is about 150 graves in the area. So should be a great place to meditate and pic up some energys and so on.
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Re: Runecasting
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 16
This thread has been moved to Heathenism from Misc Topics.
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Re: Runecasting
Post # 17
I do a little rune work, by ritual, but you're post has me starting some casting.

A good read.
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Re: Runecasting
Post # 18
Never went into rune casting, since I was never good at tarot reading.

After this article, I just might go for it.
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Re: Runecasting
Post # 19
wonderful post :D
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Re: Runecasting
By: / Novice
Post # 20

This is indeed a wonderful post!

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