Is There a Spell for This

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No Subject
Post # 11
If you feel romantically attracted towards women but are not physically attracted to them and it bothers you, then perhaps you should figure out why. Often times the answer to our questions resides within our own mind. Figure out the why and you can come up with a solution more easily. Perhaps you'll even learn to accept yourself as you are :)
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Re: Is There a Spell for This
Post # 12
I myself am heterosexual so I don't know much on being gay

If you're still young then its something most everyone will go through (Mainly in males but sometimes in females) where you'll think you're gay and that's because a lot of this generation is bi/gay so you'll start to think you are

If you are attracted to women not sexually then you have a semi high chance of being asexual which is where you have more interest in the romantic aspects then the sexual

Magic isn't like movies so it couldn't change this in you because you were pretty much born this way because its something in you that

I believe when you're born it works
33% to be heterosexual
33% to be homosexual
33% to be bisexual
1% chance of being asexual

Also I do know that it might be kinda hard when you might have viewed your life with a woman but in time you'll find that you're just as happy this way
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Re: Is There a Spell for This
Post # 13
Also you should maybe try finding someone to talk to about this (Someone who is gay or bi or at least a woman) that could help you with this and maybe they can help figure this out with you

I did feel like I was once bisexual but in time it all just passed but that was when I was young so maybe its more just a phase you're going through

But denying who you are and forcing being heterosexual on yourself will end up ruining your life and any happiness you might have
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No Subject
Post # 14
Try hypnosis. Magic may or may not work it could also back fire and make you romantically attracted to men as well. Hypnosis will at least trick your mind that you are heterosexual giving you a possible fix but you are born for a purpose embrace yourself some are born straight some gay some good some evil but be yourself
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No Subject
Post # 15
Try hypnosis. Magic may or may not work it could also back fire and make you romantically attracted to men as well. Hypnosis will at least trick your mind that you are heterosexual giving you a possible fix but you are born for a purpose embrace yourself some are born straight some gay some good some evil but be yourself
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Re: Is There a Spell for This
By: / Novice
Post # 16
there are many different kinds of love, i know a few gay people who say there true love is a person of the opposite gender, there is nothing sexual or physical, they even date other people, but they live together, and you can tell they really deeply love each other. sex isn't the same as love.

sexuality is chemical/biological, that is set before one is born, nothing can change that, regardless of what people tell you of any faith or belief. if you can love someone for who they are and not what they look like, that should be enough, i know it unfortunately isn't, but my advise is to meditate/think about what you feel in your heart is love, and what is the right thing to do. why do you want to be straight so badly? you want children, or you don't wish to face society? either way, there are always answers, you just need to be patient and think about it, the answers will come in time. i'm sorry i can't be of more help.
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Re: Is There a Spell for This
By: / Beginner
Post # 17
There is nothing you can do, if you're gay, you're gay. Its not something you can change, you were born like that, you just have to accept the fact that is how you are.
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