Chakra Points: discussion

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Chakra Points: discussion
Post # 1
Most people in this time and day have their chakra points unbalance, and for those who practice magick they need to focus on balance this main points of energy. I have read many people threads saying I opened my third eye, but no of them realized that one must closed it as well, since this is not good.

^_^ I guess I felt like making a thread about this subject. Most people who enter this site tend to ask this common questions
"what spell can I use as a beginner?"
"Can you help me with a spell?"
"I want...."
" Spell money"
"Who wants to be my mentor"
"Bla, Blah"
but none of them bother to read the info given in some threads..

Now, I made this thread as discussion purposes to learn new perspective of what we know of chakra points, how this help us when performing magick or in are daily routines.

Any information given is well taken.. I gladly thank you for your info. If some one is against other's point of view is free to be so, but state your info that contradicts other's point of view in a polite form or at least with no bad wording...since this is for info purposes. I thank you all...^_^ ( I will give all the info i know along others)
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Re: Chakra Points: discus
Post # 2
(no one add info to my I guess i will go head on my own)

Chakra means Wheel in Sanskrit. (for those who are new to their terms)
There are seven main points of chakra that most of us base our magik on...even though there is more is good to know this seven points, just in case you want to improve your meditation methods or your magick in general.
This are the seven chakra points : Crown Chakra (is located in the top of your head), Brow Chakra or third eye (is located in between your eyebrows in your forehead) Throat Chakra, (obviously is in the throat), Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus ( which I always refer as the stomach chakra) Spleen Chakra (Located just beneath the navel on the reproductive areas) and root chakra (base of the spine).

^_^ O_O I guess I will keep on adding info every day till some one joins me...

In any case, each chakra has a function. The third eye as most people want to use; the one in here is to see beyond of what are eyes cannot see... (O_O my way of putting things) It sort of let us see the big picture of things, it opens up to our intuition and are psyche...The color that is associated with this chakra is indigo...^_^
The crown chakra (very interesting indeed) this is the one that brings us to the higher self, where we get our wisdom from. It makes us closer to the spiritual world....etc...*_* this is my chackra...hahah....the color associated with it is violet or I forgot the other color, forgive me for my forgetfulness ( and for getting off topic...such a bad habit...bad me)
Throat chakra (this is for those who like truth spells) this is the chakra of communication and creativity as well... ^_^ it is what connects us with others with languages...O_O (sorry, I am no good explaining)the associated color is blue -_-
Heart Chakra (emotions) this is for everything such as hate and love and anger....*_* this is good to concentrate when doing curses... ^_^ the color associated with this is green...
Solar Plexus or stomach chakra is the power is where we get are energies from and will power and stuff like that (quite obvious) you can tell when you get nervous how this chakra acts, or when you have fear... ^_^ the color associated with this is orange...
Spleen Chakra is also about emotions in depth...that connect us with others in a sensation way O_o...well it is still very important... the color associated with this is orange...
and then we got the last one.. the root chakra where we get our instincts of survival, this one is the opposite of the crown chakra, this chakra is the one that keep us in the physical plane and the one that keep us sane in my opinion ( I need to balance this chakra... I am quite out of it)the color associated with this one is red.

Anyways I am sorry I am not a good writer, but at least I am doing my best (right!!). In any case, ^_^ I am not much of a writer, but more of a reader... and people should put what they think about the chakra points and their use... I will keep posting of what I know... (and more if people do not jumping to give what they any case thanks for those who read...and for those who thought of writing something and for those who might or will write something ^_^) (I need more coffee)
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Re: Chakra Points: discus
Post # 3
Even though to open each chakra you need to start from the
beginning meaning the root chakra, since that is your base (most people just concentrate to much on the third eye which is not healthy) but because I am out of it I am going to start with the crown chakra.

The crown chakra is the last any case..when this chakra is open you are in state of enlightenment...^_^ few people have actually get to be in such state one of them will be Jesus himself, including Buddha and few get the idea. *_* but to get to this point you will have to already open your third eye... (such a drag...too much work)

Ok.. to open your chakra you will have to meditate... it is inevitable, you can use any method really. You just need to find which one works for can be yoga, it can be tai chi.. *_* anything... but it is always good to balance them all out...and not just have one open and all close (believe me it is plain pain)

To open your chakras this website has a good exersice..(sorry I am lazy to type things on my own words)


Simple Chakra Exercises (Chakracise)

1. Crown Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your crown chakra through prayer or meditation.
2. Brow Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your brow chakra with visualization, remote viewing, and lucid dreaming.
3. Throat Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your throat chakra by gargling with saltwater, singing, or screaming.
4. Heart Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your heart chakra by doing push ups, swimming (breast stroke), and hugging yourself.
5. Solar Plexus Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your solar plexus chakra by dancing (do The Twist, hoola hooping, and belly dancing).
6. Sacral Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your sacral chakra with pelvic thrusts and circular pelvis movements.
7. Root Chakra Exercises - Chakracise your root chakra by stomping your feet upon the ground, marching, and doing squats.
8. Aura Cleansing Exercises - Chakracise your aura by cleansing it by showering, soaking an epsom salt bath, smudging with sage wand, or deep cleansing breaths.

Source was from

(no one...wants to contribute...or discuss... O_O amazing I guess this thread is all mine ^_^)
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Re: Chakra Points: discus
Post # 4
lol you made thread and reply on yourself...
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Re: Chakra Points: discus
Post # 5
^_^ I am just trying to give info, but no one since to be interested in such boring topic as chakras... just because every one can use them, so it is as boring as telling some one how to cook scramble eggs I guess...*_* no one interested in learning such I guess i have to teach discuss with myself on it.
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Re: Chakra Points: discussion
Post # 6

Variados I don't find the Chakra boring information.

Its claimed to be the bodies main regions of spiritual energy flow.

In the tradition, there are the seven basic Chakras, and they all exist within the subtle body, overlaying the physical body. amazingly via mordern physiology apparently it can be seen that these seven Chakras correspond exactly to the seven main nerve ganglia which emanate from the spinal column.
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Re: Chakra Points: discus
Post # 7
now you just taught me something new today...thanks ^_^
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Re: Chakra Points: discussion
Post # 8
and a Damned Fine Job you've done,Variados....
Thank you.... You saved me a head ache with a noob earlier
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Re: Chakra Points: discussion
Post # 9

The seventh Chakra is the Crown. On a physical level this Chakra is responsible for our head and nervous system. Symptoms of a blocked 7th Chakra might include Migraines, headaches and depression.

The sixth Chakra is the Third Eye. It is the link from which we perceive the higher zones and higher planes. Its essense is within the astral and dreaming world. Physical symptoms of a blocked 6th Chakra might include Headaches, Blurred Vision, Blindness and Eyestrain.

The fifth Chakra is the Throat. This Chakra works on the throat encouraging communication and creativity. Physically this Chakra works on our thymus and thyroid glands. Symptoms of a block 5th Chakra might include Hyperthyroid, skin irrations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations and backpains.

The fourth Chakra is the Heart. This Chakra is our love centre it controls our unconditional feelings and thoughts, associations, relations and compassion. Its responsible for the heart, circulatory and respitory systems. Physical symptoms of a blocked 4th Chakra might include a heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, and difficulty in breathing.

The third Chakra is the Solar Plexus. When we feel upset, angry or hurt we often feel this Chakra. Its primal essense is that of Will. Physically this Chakra works on the stomach and liver area. Symptoms of a blocked 3rd Chakra may include Digestive difficulties, Liver problems, Diabetes, Nervous exhaustion, and Food Allergies.

The second Chakra is the spleen. Its basis is in emotions, sexuality, and desires. It controls our relationships and social interactions with others. Physically this Chakra works on our lower intestines and digestive system. Symptoms of a blocked 2nd Chakra might be kidney weakness, stiff lower back, constipation and muscle spasms.

The first Chakra is the Base/Root Chakra. Its our grounding energy centre, keeping our feet firmly on the ground and our mind focused on physical and creative matters. It also governs our reproductive organs and our sexual vitality. Symptoms of a blocked 1st Chakra might include problems in the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs.
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Re: Chakra Points: discus
Post # 10
Exactly... *_* my favorite is the crown chakra...though maintaining it open so long has affected my health to such level.. *_* I am still trying to balance myself out..
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