Sensible People Stand Up

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Re: Sensible People Stand Up
Post # 51
Sorry ment to say put not but "they put their points across".

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
Post # 52
Well, I dojt believe in mermaids, per se, I believe in water sprites and moss maidens and dryads, but people can turn into these things.

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
Post # 53
after my recent post to one that wants to summon a puppy, I believe some of the people that post this stuff, my be practicing an off shoot of chaos magick. I think it is called Discordia. A person practicing Discordia gets pleasure from creating discord, which is what some of these people do.
There is little way, that all the people that are making stupid posts are actually that incompetent, especially when they ask the same question more than 2 times and receive un favorable responses, yet continue to do it.
Maybe we need a spot to talk about discord magick.

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
Post # 54

I think it is a 50/50 situation here. Some of them really do believe this stuff, while others are just asking out of boredom as a form of trolling. Those ones are doing it just to "ruffle your feathers".

Re: Sensible People Stand
Post # 55
Like the one asking about how to summon a puppy

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
Post # 56

I love the rapid growth of a post about people not posting. It kind of speaks for itself lol.

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 57
I think mabey people should actually look at reality not computer games once in a while

its stupid the fact people want to be something they can not be such as a vampire.

people need to grow up

magick is not a quick fix it is a way of life. i love people who want to learn and i acsept at first some people may not be able to tell the diffrence but i feel strongly that if you have some sence then you can tell what is real

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
Post # 58

It's all very well saying that people 'need to grow up', but, at the same time, some people are not ready to grow up. I would expect that some of our dreams were pretty 'stupid' at age thirteen. I know mine were. (Most obviously, people who are still technically children, who are also members of this site).

If you are tired of helping people, take a break. We are volunteers, not on a payroll. If you have the inclination, and the compassion, to lovingly bring others up, then do so. For goodness sake, let's not vent our frustrations on the unmature. That is not good teaching at all, is it?

This is an interactive site for all our members, not a crusade to shine the light. At least that is how I see it. If someone feels they are not coping, perhaps they need to do something more fulfilling for a while.

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 59

So what is all about this rant ?If you guys can not deal with fluffs you could take a break .I really do not understand why people create sush threads .What is your aim ?Do you think that if you rant here like about 20 pages ,that will make all kids less prone to fantasies and delusions ?Let people be and let go of your judgment ,as simple as it is .If you do not like fluffs ignore them and keep doing your stuff .There will be always two sides of the coin ,who will pull in different directions .There will be always two opposite forces and that is what bring about progress .I agree with what Zebrah said totaly. I am glad that there are knowledgable people out there who still can think out of there small box and assess the situation from all points of view (which is not only your own ).So because you have grown up and all this things are strange to you ,you assumed that you have a right to stop others to have vivid imagination ?So what you all are standing for ?What is this the war between vivid imagination and the wise ones ?How come you all have forgotten what is to be a kid and to believe in everything and everyone ?So you all grow up and now you decided it is time for all kids to grow up too for your own convinience .All this is absolutely ridicoulous ,because you think the only ridicoulous ones are the kids .So they do things without any logic right ?But what you all are doing ?What is the point standing against something you can not change ?There is no point whatsoever all this is just rant ,how all of you are tired of how the things are .Kids are ment to have vivid imagination and there are many physical reasons about that .Kids think with different parts of their brain ,than an adult would .You can not expect from them to think and act as adult without properly developed brain and without personal experience .Your expectation is not objective !You have high expectation and that is why you are getting dissapointed .I do not expect and i will not expect a kid to act and think logically as 60 years old adult with properly developed gray matter plus a lot experience behind his back .So will you finally stop ranting ,take a break or ignore a fluffs and finally start to teach people something ,instead of waiting your time on things you clearly realize that you can not change .

Re: Sensible People Stand Up
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 60
Awake, I agree with you.

Star Anise, it is good though that people are discussing their opinions on the subject. It brings clarity to why individual members post on some topics and not on other. Sharing our perspective on the subject can help to enlighten and bring us together. At least, I can hope so. =)

Devoo, I am not discrediting myth. I am an open minded person to what is possible in the spiritual and in fact enjoy making my own links to similarities of myth from around the world. Myth is not to be confused with fantasy. Our culures, language and everyday life is steeped in myth, and that is hard to ignore. Our days of the week and months of the year themselves are built around myth. Our year is solar. Our very perspective on time itself is based on the cultures who held their mythology and worship of the sun in high regard. Even the symbolism of our countries are based on the myths of our ancestors. I'm not trying to discredit myth, nor do I ever write the word "impossible".

But if someone walked up to you and said, I'm an Azziza (vodun comparison to celtic fae) and ran around twisting hoodoo into something it was not, but claiming they were a powerful vodun practictioner, wouldn't you get a little upset? Everyone they are telling this to who have never researched the culture will find you a joke due to what they have already experienced with the delusional "wannabe". Or even worse, begin learning from this pretender and then turn around and tell you that you're wrong because they like their fantasy magick better. This is the problem. And no we can't stop it, but we can counter it. Many people come here searching for answers, and we need to make enough of a presence to increase our chances of influence those seeking knowledge. This way this site has a better chance at guiding people with authentic information instead of the majority of posts being lead by pretenders.

90% of posts here are questions by newbies being answered by newbies.

And history is written by the victor or writer's perspective, so of course it isn't very accurate.

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