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Post # 1
I just joined, so I'm introducing myself. I've been active in the arts for a while now, but spent about 2-3 years not really doing or working on anything. Lately for some odd reason, I've been having a lot of dreams, meeting very interesting people (who are like me) and just experiencing the oddest things. I feel the universe has been telling me to get back to my studies, so here I am. I'd like any suggestions on books or any other sites that will help me with my ongoing studies.

Love & Light
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Re: Hi
Post # 2
Welcome and enjoy your stay :D
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Re: Hi
Post # 3
Welcome to the site, Desde! It's cool that you've been involved in the arts. :) I myself only know a bit about magick and Paganism/Wicca...I only recently started studying it, so I can't tell you of any good books or suggestions, other then look around, keep studying and blessed be!
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