Do i need?

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Re: Do i need?
By: / Novice
Post # 11
first, it depends on the spell like LdyGry said, if it's candle magic, you kind of need a candle. second there is not spell that will make you a witch, a witch is normally what you call someone who is in a religion like wicca or paganism or witchcraft [but you don't have to belong to a religion to study witchcraft] or anything that studies magic and/or the occult. perhaps you mean you're initiation into the religion. when i did it the first time, i cast the circle and told the God and Goddess why i felt in my heart this was the right spiritual path for me, later on i did it a bit more formal, and when i started studying Dragon Magic, i had to go to the astral plain and talk to the Dragons for the elements to accept me. so no candles were needed for most of them. if you mean become like Sabrina the teenage witch, no spell will do that i'm afraid.
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Re: Do i need?
Post # 12
no i dont want to become sabrina. I know magic isnt bibidibobidido. i read the spell and i wanted to be known as a witch the way it put it. I have troubles and it helps im going to take chances.
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Re: Do i need?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
I don't discredit the energy that flame, true beeswax, herbs, metals, colors, wood etc. holds. I use the word tools as defined "a device that aids in accomplishing a task" (merriam webber dictionary) although it would fit this situation best to switch "device" with "object/material".

No one said that such things are meaningless, and I apologize if I didn't convey that properly. They all have a purpose and we can choose to us them to aid us. But the key would is "choose", it is a choice. We can go without them, because our power lies in ourselves and the earth just below our feet that connect to all of Nature. We are never separated from our life giving and sustaining Mother because we are a part of the whole that is life and existence.

Some people prefer tools and some people can't access them at all. My point is that if you can't access such things, that doesn't mean you cannot practice magick. Many new to magick see the words, ingredients, times, and instruments as what actually causes the magick to work. Such "aids" help us to bring forward energy when we believe that object represents something or recognize the energy within it, it allows us to easily pinpoint that energy and bring more of the same forth, but we can gain the same effect by going to the source of that energy in nature or pulling that energy to us through focus and will.

One reason why writing our own spells is best, is because we know what energy we wish to bring forth, the effect we desire it to have, what exact goal we will to be, and can shape the spell to our needs and available resources. I love using herbs and other ingredients and tools, but if I am placed in a situation where I have no access to them, that doesn't mean I am helpless.

In this sort of situation, my mind goes back to Mickey Mouse's Fantasia. The old wizard leaves his hat behind, and Mickey picks it up (being just an apprentice), starts using the power the hat has and causes chaos. This misrepresentation of tools and ingredients in magick has spanned the ages and is then fed to kids in the form of colorful moving pictures. And fed to adults and teens in works of fiction. How many times has their been a cartoon where the witch loses their wand and becomes powerless until it is retrieved? Tons! This is all I debunk.

Certain objects can be charged with energy, but that magick occurs through the work of the practioner, not the object itself. The object alone merely is used as a choice.
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Re: Do i need?
Post # 14
There is a candle spell in one of our coven articles called Awaken you Magical Potential or something like that. Is that what you mean?
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Re: Do i need?
Post # 15
i havent read that spell but ya like that!
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Re: Do i need?
Post # 16

It doesn't have a chant so I'm guessing not.
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Re: Do i need?
Post # 17
Thanks for the advice. I cant use candles and i justread the spell. Whoever wrote it im going to metphorically kill. I learned thanks
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