
CovenDeep Arts ► Smudging
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Post # 1
Smudging - a ritual to cleanse & purify.

Many of us appreciate the benefits of a soothing bath or a vigorous shower to cleanse and refresh our body. Equally as effective but on the psychic energetic level is the practice of 'smudging'. 'Smudging' is the common name given to the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing, a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition. However the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is common practice in many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. The theory behind smudging is that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space to be regenerated.

Smudging is very effective when you've been feeling depressed, angry, resentful or unwell or after you have had an argument with someone. It is also great to smudge yourself, the space and all the guests or participants before a ritual or ceremony or celebration. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning and you can cleanse crystals or other objects of any negative energy with a smudging ritual.

Herbs used for Smudging

There are many ways to smudge and a variety of different herbs may be used. When the herbs used for smudging are tied into a bundle and allowed to dry they are called a "smudge stick". In traditional societies the herbs used for smudging are considered sacred and the smudge stick is treated with great respect. The particular plant allies we call on in our smudge sticks (available in the yOni goodies catalogue) are Mugwort and Lavender. The Mugwort stimulates psychic awareness and acts a strong cleanser of negative energies, while the Lavender restores balance, creates a peaceful atmosphere and attracts loving energy.

How to Smudge

Any action, undertaken with intention and belief can become a potent ritual so consider your intention before you smudge and hold it clearly in your mind. You may wish to invite the spirit of the herbs to join you and guide and assist with your intention.

A candle flame is recommended to light the smudge stick as it may take a little time to get the stick smoking. Once there's a flame blow it out so that the smudge stick is smoldering, not burning. Blow or wave the flame with your hand to put out the fire. Allow the smudge stick to smolder, freeing the smoke to circle in the air.

Smudging yourself

Fan the swirls of smoke around your body from head to toe. You may want to especially focus on areas where you feel there are blockages or where there has been or is physical, emotional, or psychic pain. Imagine the smoke lifting away all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that have attached themselves to you. If you are feeling depressed for instance you could visualize the smoke carrying away all your feelings of depression.

Smudging another

It is often appropriate to smudge guests as they enter the space at a ritual, ceremony or special event. Smudge as if you were smudging yourself, fanning the smoke all over their body. You may want to speak an intention or a suggestion for the smudging as you do it. For instance "Allow the sacred smoke to cleanse your body and spirit and bring you present and available into this moment"

Smudging a room or space

Light the smudge stick and walk about the perimeter, giving special attention to the corners and the places behind doors. You can also fan the smoke throughout the room with a large feather.

During healing work

During healing work, the smoke may be fanned over the person either by your hand or with feathers. This clears out unhealthy energies and brings in the special attributes of the herbs. You may also direct smudge to each of the person's chakras and as you do so visualize each chakra coming into balance as it is purified by the smudge.

Cleansing crystals or other objects

Hold the objects to be purified in the smoke or fan the smoke over them. If you are clearing your crystals prior to programming them thank both them and the smudge stick for helping you to realize your goals.

Extinguishing the smudge stick

Have ready a fireproof receptacle such as a shell or a glass or ceramic dish to put the smudge stick in when you've finished. It's ideal to damp the stick out in sand, or earth or you can just press it against the bottom of the receptacle. Always make sure that a smudge stick is out before leaving the room where you keep it.


Re: Smudging
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
great post thank you so much, was brilliant and clear and for one will try this defo, blessings upon you macus

Re: Smudging
Post # 3
Awesome post but you left out sage. Lol. Sage is a very strong herb to smude with. It removes negative energies including unwanted entities. In theory the smell is what drives them out. A feather can be used for just general cleansing or healing. I personally use incenses as thats whats available and easily found. And its the same smoke principal. So its a choice of the practitioner but it should be done once in a while and become a part of practice even if its just to clear out your work space.

Re: Smudging
Post # 4

So smudging it is! I must admit that this is my first encounter with this term. Thanks for posting this Draggy.

I do cleanse my house by smoke... O.o I use church incense and a entwined dry basil and lavender twig... Just as described above, just i don't really use feathers i just wave my hands so the smoke spreads...

And the atmosphere calms at instant! Its terrific, It is an old recipe from my granny ;) The lavender is just my touch to it.

Re: Smudging
Post # 5
Was posted here due to a question asked in PC, and yes white sage is a common base.

Re: Smudging
Post # 6
I have also heard that using sage with cedar is very good.

Re: Smudging
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
Thanks for pointing that out, Shy. Ceder smoke is often used in purification of both an area in general, as well as to ward off bad dreams. It's also used in protection, so I can see how mixing the two would be beneficial in smudging.

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