
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Potions

Re: Potions
By: / Novice
Post # 11
true, and not all are to be injected, many are poisonous.
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Re: Potions
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 12
For those who are not 100% knowledgeable about the ingredients in a potion and whether it is safe or not. I would like to add that the "magick" in the drink is the energy you put into it. So if your goal is not a health concern or treatment but something spiritual (such as protection, purifying, etc) plain water or juice can be used and focused over before ingesting. Herbal remedies are great if you know what you're doing. But don't drink anything unless you have thoroughly researched it. And try to avoid mixing various herbs together unless you have been studying herbalism for many years.
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Re: Potions
Post # 13
Your pretty new ..but I have a good feeling about you so im going to answer you.You can asks for different kinds of potions and they may tell you the things you need but the only thing you need is you focus and your power and ask the great ones to bless them and put your power into the potions
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Re: Potions
Post # 14
i've tried one sickness remove potions that is kinda easy to make and i help on throat, stomach, and headache. the repice is simple:

1 table spoon Oregano
1 table spoon Thyme
about 1-2 cups of water
bring it up to boil.
then add mint, you you should self play around how much you wanna add :)
cook it all together for about 10-15 minuts and taste to see if it is minty enough.
put it through a sieve to get the Oregano, thyme, and mint leafs away.
lastly add alittle horney a table spoon or two should do it

its now ready to drink directly like a tea or you can cool it down and put it into vials. this brew is good for about 1-2 month in refrigerator max!!!

hope this helped :)

BB - Jackie
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Re: Potions
Post # 15

You can look for many potions and ingredients throughout the site but you can also make your own. Look at the list of herbs and what they do,then you can mix them together or join them in your preferred way. Just be careful,you don't want to consume the wrong thing.

Hope That this Helped,
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Re: Potions
By: / Beginner
Post # 16
Jackie, did you know you can just mix tea and lemon to make a sore throat feel better?
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Re: Potions
By: / Novice
Post # 17
Try consulting books such as "Magick potions" by Gerina Dunwich, or "Ars Philtron" pf cultus Sabbati.

Ask some Hoodoo person to share with You some condition oil recipes. I'll contribut to Your search with few examples

* Camphor
* Mint
* Sage
* Bay leaurel
Base of olive oil

Now , to inspire You to learn, I'll say this is a "Clarity" type of formula, and ask You how would You prepare it ?

Or this

Boiling water, black cohosh, St John's wort, Basil , White Heather, Blessed salt

How would You make that one ? What would You use it for ?
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Re: Potions
Post # 18
@Birdlover101 yup, but i've tried twice never helps for me :( i've started some expiriments with ginger too that works like a charm
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