
Forums ► Comments ► Intolerance

Re: Intolerance
By: / Novice
Post # 21
I think that was very well said, Kataki.
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Re: Intolerance
Post # 22
Now this people is being mature and evolved!
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Re: Intolerance
Post # 23
Thank you for this post. It is something that everyone can learn from including myself. Sometimes we just don't stop and look at ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves "should I say that or should I just let it go and walk away."
Thank you again.
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Re: Intolerance
Post # 24
so true
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Re: Intolerance
By: / Novice
Post # 25
i posted something similar to this just the other day, only about why witches hate Christians so much because of something in the past. i chalk up the reason to three things, one people are just starting out and don't like Christians for what they have done [either a long time ago, or recently] two, they don't let it go as time goes on, or three, they were actually wronged themselves.

myself, i went through the phase of hating Christians, i don't anymore and i feel really ashamed of what i did. however, the two reasons i did it was one, i was wronged, two the influence of others in my coven who still find pleasure in tormenting Christians. now when i'm around though, i tell them to knock it off and make them leave. what happened to me personally, i was told as a kid no other religion but Christianity would get me into heaven, all others would damn me to hell, as well whenever i questioned that, i got in big trouble. as well, it was discovered my friend was Wiccan, and he was locked in a room with two priests and they tried to save him. those things, however, i'd say forgiven but not forgotten, it's a reminder, but by no means a message that everyone of that faith is like that.

also, i'm generalizing when i say Christians, i've gotten hatred from the witch community as well. i've been called an insult to witchcraft, and that i don't know what i'm doing because i learn from books, hands on experience, and people who work at my occult shop, instead of learning from a 'true witch' who was born Wiccan, not converted. so there's prejudice everywhere, i try and be open and helpful until i find out what type of person you are.

lol, sorry, i didn't mean for it to go this long. Blessed be.
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Re: Intolerance
Post # 26
I myself had made many posts like this in the past (on different accounts). I have found that everyone I have met is intolerant of something. For myself it has been those that are intolerant of others beliefs. I never could just walk away without feeling something when someone insulted me or my beliefs. In a way, isn't walking away from them showing that what they said or did upset you somehow? It is human nature to want to be accepted and loved by others. I do agree though that we should not react in the same manner as those that are "harming" us. To ignore there behavior and move on to something else is a lesson I myself just had to learn in life. We do all make mistakes in life though, so the next time you see someone acting this way, try to think from there perspective. Perhaps that is how they were taught to react or it is a defensive mechanism for them. It does not make it right, but I find looking at it that way can help you to ignore it a little easier :)
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Re: Intolerance
Post # 27
It seems that what was once a good lesson is always a good lesson. Though I hope there is no longer a need for such a lesson on this site as a whole, but rather for the individuals who come to this site, thinking one way, and leaving thinking another.
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Re: Intolerance
Post # 28
This should be bumped up over and over again.
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