My Apologies

CovenBaron La Croix ► My Apologies
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My Apologies
Post # 1
Hello everyone. I just wanted to apologize, to the coven memebers, and priest and priestess for my somewhat lack participation. I'm still around, and still here. This time has been pretty rough from my health, all the way down to my daughters health. Its been a burden, and I know I've been lax with the postings on the forums,and/or responding to messages right away, its just been rough for me, and I'm trying to hold it together,but its been hard. Sorry again

Re: My Apologies
Post # 2
Willa you have done more than your share for the coven we understand that sometimes life happens and are just happy to see you well.

Re: My Apologies
Post # 3
I hope everything is all good for you and your daughter now. I am glad to see you back.

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