Fairy Magick

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Fairy Magick
Post # 1
I was wondering if soemone could help me,i was wondering if anyone could teach me Fairy Magick It's important that I learn,i can't say but it would be most aprreciated.
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 2
Can anyone help at all it's important.
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Re: Fairy Magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
What is it that you want to know? How to summon faeries and use them in magic?
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 4
Pretty much yeah.
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Re: Fairy Magick
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
To summon fairies pour milk in a bowl over bread and honey. You can only do this when the weather is warm. When you do make sure to leave your instructions form them written in the dirt or you can tell them telepathically. If you summon them without giving them instructions they will find other things to do. Fairies tend to be fickle so they might not do what you ask. My advise is to keep it simple.
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 6
There is a whole series of books on fairy magicks. If I can find the link I'llpost it.
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 7
I've heard a myth that if you see a fox glove plant bowing it's head that it means a faery is near by.
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 8
Be careful when working with the Fae. They are not glittery tinkerbells....some are dark, while others flit about, and then there are the ones who like to steal things and harass the cats.

I have honoured Them for so long that They generally follow me about. Now I have one of those faery doors, and it seems to be a portal for Them, and they traipse in and out of the house as They please.

You can ask the Fae for favours, or help, but never demand or instruct Them. NEVER offer them money or clothing as gifts. Honey, lavender bread, sweet bread, milk and clotted cream are all great offerings. They also like shiny bobbles (beads, gems, little mirrors, etc).

To keep Them out of a room, be sure to keep cast iron in it (my kitchen has a besom with cast iron handle over the door, my cast iron cauldron, and other cast iron knick knacks around--otherwise, the Brownies try to help with dishes, then get side tracked, and make a giant mess).

Plants to attract Fae include butterfly bush, lavender, foxglove, forget me nots, thyme, lily of the valley, cowslip and mugwoart.
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 9
wise words Aelwyn
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Re: Fairy Magick
Post # 10
To Aelwyn: Clap! Clap! CLAP!! Great info!

To people in general: There's a myth that if you say "I don't believe in faeries" one dies (emphasis on the word 'myth') though there's a very limited amount of logic in magick, there is still some and that myth just isn't possible. How could a mere underdeveloped human being kill a faery (even a one right in front of him/her) whilst raising no enery, little visualization, no rrelation to magick in any way, pretty much every fae would be dead. I might as well just randomly stand up and say "I want to fly, make me fly"! There's a faery monarch, Morgan le Fay, who still exists in the astral plane (and things in the astral are real, thoughtforms exist in the MENTAL plane. Don't confuse the two) I've heard people say she doesn't exist and yet she still does, so that's pretty much wrapped up proof.
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