any pagans here?

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any pagans here?
Post # 1
i really need to talk to talk to somebody
there is a problem which was bothering me for a very big period of time
i am Jewish (but that's of course is not the problem) the problem is that the Jewish law extremely hardly forbids worship of any other gods (and goddesses) beside the god Shaddai as it was commanded by him himself - this is the second most important commandment for a Jew (it's even forbidden by the Talmud to listen to music which is played by or was written by people which worship any of those gods)
the only mentioned reason for this is as it was said by El Shaddai himself - "for i am JHWH a jealous god [among the gods] " i never told anyone as i feel shame for this but i find this somewhat egoistic and self centered
unfortunately i feel great sympathy towards neo-paganism and various polytheistic religions such as Asatru and various ancient cultures such as the Egyptian one and don't forget the New Age movement (for some reason i just associate it with peace and love comfort and caring)
i think that in the subconscious level it bothers me even more then in the conscious one - to such point that tears at sometimes show up
i just don't know what shall i do
no way that i am going to "cheat" on the god of my fathers for there is no one among the gods and goddesses which is grater then him and created them himself
but then again that just disturbs me so much i have no idea what shall i do! what shall i do?
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Re: any pagans here?
Post # 2
Merry Meet Uriel.

My problem begins not with what you have written her but with your bio.

Why do you catagorise everyone like you do?? I do not want to be put in a box or given a number thanks. I am who I am.

We are mostly pagans here although there is a Christian group too.

I think God is who you see him as and I have a real problem with people who claim to be the followers of the "One True God". This causes wars and fighting and all sorts of things and I don't want to partake of it.

I am a Wiccan but I also follow Buddha and other forms of paganism. I follow my heart and welcome anyone who does the same.

Follow your heart Uriel - if it is to follow your Jewish religion then so be it, if you want to explore then do it. I also don't like the scare tactics used by religions that say you must not do this or that - i think it is so that you stay with them and don't go and look elsewhere.

I hope you find your path.


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Re: any pagans here?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I've always been in kind of a weird spot here, too. I was raised Christian, and I believe the bible, for the most part, is true. I have read as a guidline for life, and have also read it as simple literature. It has substance...though it is clouded with something dirty. I like Rowan's use of the words "scare tactics". We are instilled with religion before we can read, or sometimes even talk. It's like it's the one area of life where we're not supposed to make an informed decision...just take it and go.
I had big issues with the thought that everyone else in the world was going to hell because I think well, God is the one who puts people where they go. He places them where they will be brought up, and with whom will be feeding the mind. From there it was easy to look outside the box. I gained a respect, first for the ancient egyptian culture, and then began to practice Buddhism. And from there... Well, I am here. What if all of the religious writings, in all of the world were compiled and to a single a book, and one religion formed of it. All of them! And miraculously, maybe, everyone would say, "this is acceptable doctrine. Study it. Practice it." I don't know either. Just sayin.
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Re: any pagans here?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
I am a polytheistic pagan, I believe in not just many gods but all of them. Every god you can find written about in history is real and there are many more that have not been. Some are the same god/goddess with different names but really all gods and goddess come from the "one true god". This is "god", the higher power who is the one you pray to no matter who or what you are praying to. The gods and goddesses are just aspects of the one. Different personalities so to say. I just can't understand why someone would follow the words of a god that acknowledges the existence of other gods, says he is a jealous god, and then does not want his followers to worship any other god. Really it just sounds like the devil trying to be top dog.
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Re: any pagans here?
Post # 5
Im not pagan I believe in energy of cosmos only...
but I don t hate others I respect everybody...In ur bio are very ugly words about christians,and you guys that believe in ur god,are so cruel...its like ur religions brainwashed you to hate anybody who doesn t believe what you believe! And its the same god that you worship...Imagine how he feels about that,and then say something...If your GOD is real than you don t deserve him!
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Re: any pagans here?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Worship is just a really tough word to grasp, and if a person said "worship me", we would consider them egomaniacal. I can't say I really worship anyone or anything, but I always know where my grattitude lies.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" okay about after?
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Re: any pagans here?
Post # 7
Hehe you can then consider me god ;)

I can do small miracles such as storms,healing,sleeping for week,staring into sun or any great light source for days or maniacal urge to go on ;)

I have more beings worshiping me and chanting my name then anyone will ever have.

I can sound wise when talking about time,morality,luck..

I have plenty of luck(sometime bad luck.)

I have found true black light ;)

So i am guessing i am sort of god ;)

Ask kao..hehe

Blah i am so weird..
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Re: any pagans here?
Post # 8
nah ur cool :)
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Re: any pagans here?
Post # 9
Thanks Miladin.

You can feel free to worship if you like but its not going to be easy ;)

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Re: any pagans here?
Post # 10
well i was a neo-pagan for a while and still have many beliefs that of that. i am a mix of a lot of things. as far as the music thing, i dont think it matters. just what you feel is right. i myself respect jesus of nazareth but i listen to so much music that talks about obliterating christianity from earth completly. like gorgoroth. i dont know any other band that is so enthusiastic about it than them.
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