The Coffee Shop

CovenNatural Magick ► The Coffee Shop
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Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 231

Congradulations on your 4.0 Smarty!! *Gives Isa a gold star and some confetti* You earned it gurl!

Oh and Vevilia I hope you feel better very soon and that your cough gets better. :)

I've been doing alright. I've learned to mix my nasty alchol with juices to make it taste good. I've learned I don't dislike beer as much as I thought I did after building up a tollerance. Not for the content but rather the taste itself. I've been grinding in Tales of Zestera to get the perfect gear to transfer over to the new game. My Christmas wasn't too bad either. I got a couple candles, a bar of organic soap, some bath body wash sets, a new shower curtain, a little bit of make up, some video games. I also got a little scratch to spend on my altar for Bellona and some books. I would like some more Hellenic books, more astrology books, herb books, and some gemstone books. Video games and occult stuff are pretty much my only interests at the moment. For art projects I've been trying to get myself into painting some jars I hallowed and cleaned out as well as some mirrors. I've also been working on my singing and new original song lyrics.

One day I should actually try socalizing. Like the only times I go out it's to spend time with Holy (my spouse) I stopped trying with other people. But like starting a band or some shit would be an awesome idea. I've always thought about it but I just never get around to it though I have had dreams of it. I'd also like to start up a Dungeons and Dragons campeign since people do actually pay for that. I would be co-dming with my spouse. If it means getting some more scratch I'm like all for it 'cause we could always use it.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 232

First comment of the year! (On this thread)

Yay :D

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 233

*sips on coffee*

Brace yourselves guys lol So there's this guy....

And I like him a lot, and I'm pretty sure he likes me too. But we both seem to be unsure of what the other is feeling. So we kind of tip-toe around each other with the flirting. I have had so many good opportunities to make flirty comments. He practically hands me these openings lol But I don't take them because I don't know how he feels and I don't want to seem so...obvious(?) I guess that word could work.

I think he may be having the same issue. It's just so hard to tell right now. And it's incredibly stressful, frustrating, and scary. I think I fear possible rejection the mostbecause I like him so much. I have never liked someone so strongly before, so when I see him I panic and never know what to say lol

I'll end here before I rant on and on about it xD

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 234

Alright well today has been a pretty good day. I pruned my chrysanthemums then moved them to a bigger pot with fresh soil and a little water. I also trimmed my succulants and laid out the pieces to dry. The poinsettia is still looking beautiful and healthy too. I got a second pot, a bag of soil, some fertalizer plant food sticks and some sage seeds to grow from scratch some time soon. It should be raining later tonight and tomorrow so I put out a jar to collect rain water for the first time ever. I usually just charge spring water as moon water.

I've also been getting back into gaming, mostly Elsword. I'm getting close to my archer maxing out. Then I will go back to my ice mage, then my void mage, then my other two archers, then my swordsmen...I have a lot of characters in this game basically lol.

Oh, another thing! I've been reading more about Nymphai as of late and am considering formally submitting either a public article or forum post on it. I don't usually write long detailed posts and even when I do I usually only submit to coven so we will see. I think getting into honoring Nymphs in general is something I am very interested in. I keep my deity list of ones I have actually formally worked with short because I priortize quality over quantity or at least try to. Just a personal preference. I like building a bond or what I believe is refered to as Kharis with them rather than it being a one time thing.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 235
I haven't commented on this yet but I wanna say that it's nice to hear ab how everyone is and I hope you're all having a good day!

I'm drinking black chai tea, that I made in my coffee press? New discovery I will probably keep doing haha,
I slept in really late today, because I had a very long night last night, we went to my grandfathers wake where I found out his real name! The name was changed when my family came to Canada, and I'm thinking maybe (for the last name) I'd like to change it back, to feel some kind of connection.
I'm also hoping to maybe find a photo of him and my grandmother to keep, I don't want much but it'd be really nice to have something to hold on to.
Also if it doesn't get too dark before I'm totally awake I might go buy some perlite so I can transplant some of my succulents :+)

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 236

Boy do I have some good things to tell you all! So my friend and her husband made me a spear and sent it to me. I am super happy and grateful for this! They offered it to me one day out of the blue when I didn't even ask for such a thing and I'm so happy to see it in person, it's perfect. The douche UPS guy banged around the box and the spear head got broken off. It's not really a big deal though since we almost have it fixed already and we just barely got it yesterday. We got some wood putty from Michaels and we already had some gorilla wood glue.

It was packed well and it came with a note attached which is a Greek Amazon text that I shall be pinning above my altar work space. It had the words, "Daughter of Ares" put on it in Greek. Like I didn't even ask for the but I love the extra effort put into it! The spear head is made of cow bone. There is an iron acorn dangly and below that a boar tooth. The boar tooth I had to have because of the story where Ares turns into one and kills Adonis for stepping to his at the time lover Aphrodite. She fell in love with him...he eliminated the competition hehe. It also had red felt with brown leather wrapped around it for two hand grips which work very nicely. The base of the staff is made of oak since Ares under one of his Sabine surnames is the king of the Oaken spear. All that is left to do is anoint it with essential oils which I will very carefully select which one to use.

I got some Wendy's today and they have renisance coupons half off! Money is tight but I am really hoping we can go and I will bring my new spear along for funzies if so hehe. I will wear my beautiful black outfit and try to have my hair dyed red before hand which I was planning to do either way really. Like I keep saying I will but then other things come up. I'm intending to repaint my nails tonight too. I have them painted rose pink with blue splotches which looks super cool. Oh, and also I lost weight! I'm not sure how much but it is pretty noticable. I broke out this new red tank top and it fits like a dream. It is one I have had for a while but never once did I wear it before yesterday. I also got some tasty deli and chicken alfredo pasta to eat. Good food is definately the way to my heart ahaha. xD

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 237

Sips some espresso with cream.

So for the past month or so my husband and I have been going to a local Hindu temple to Kali, or Kali Mandir. It has been really nice to be able to go to meditate and pray in such an amazing setting. Last week I got to talk to one of the monks that lives there and helps maintain the temple. I wasn't able to talk to him long, but I got a couple of answers for questions I have had for a while now.

The coolest part of the last visit was when we visited the little bookstore there. My husband picked out an amulet with a picutre of Kali on it. Before we left they took the amulet to the altar and touched it to the feet of the statue and said prayers to bless it, It was super cool!

Also I was able to get a book on pujas (ritualistic offerings) written by the Swami associated with the temple. That means I can preform home pujas correctly, and also in th same fashion as the temple we visit :D

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 238

I thought I'd post a little update about my previous post in this thread.

*ahem* We're dating now! ^_^ We've been dating for 3 weeks now :)

It literally feels like a dream come true, and I am so happy. So is he. He's special to me, and I'm special to him, so I'm really hoping this relationship lasts for a long time.

We're actually planning on camping in the mountains over spring break (which starts March 13). I'm really looking forward to getting away with him. We both need a break from school and work. Plus, it's been years since I've last been to the mountains. So yeah, really looking forward to it!

That's all for now ^_^

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 239

*Sips some iced green tea in a Flash cup with a sparkly pink silly straw*

Okay so for Valentine's Day Holly took me to Sweet Tomato's which is this cute soup and salad place so I could keep with the healthy eating. The last few times we have gone she giggled and remarks at my one very big extra large salad plate topped with a whole bunch of everything. She watches me eat it like a messy toddler and remarks how my plate looks like a circus and is made in the same fashion as my smoothies are. My smoothies for reference are usually made with...throw everything in the blender until it comes out looking like a mixture of puke and diearra then I go, YUM! and guzzle the brown liquid with lightning fast speed. For dinner time we hung out at his mom and grandma's house where they got Chinese for us. I had chicken curry which was really tasty. We played Sorry! while they acted like bratty bitches throwing a hissy fit over a game lol. I wish playing a game didn't delve into a screaming hate match but whatevs I guess.

Then today Weinersnitzle sent us a text for a free hot dog so we got that and a small cone of ice cream and we saw they had a new comic book store right next door so we went to go check it out. They had female Spiderman and female Deadpool. They also had My Little Pony, Xena, Power Puff Girls, etc. I want to go back and get some when my pockets have something more than air in them. We also got the business card for a lady who makes custom nerdy high heels, steering wheel covers, you name it! Like oh my god! I can get my car decked out and look super fab for my wedding and some cosplay stuff. So all in all the last few days have been good. I'm going to try to give blood early tomorrow and get my protein up for it. I need the cash and I should be able to take the pain since I have taken worse before.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 240


I hate having health issues.

*eats ice cream*

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